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Tailgating Or What


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It's a bit like the old 'spot the ball' competition I think. You really have no idea what led up to the situation and trying to work out what could/should/did happen next is just a matter of guesswork. There are, of course, always the experts who absolutely know! :naughty:

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17 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

All those fenders on the gin palace, I wonder why!?

Because he kept getting hit by hire craft turning to get into Barnes, that's why.

Just for the record, it's a steely anyway but he doesn't want to have to keep painting it :39_angry:

And it's not a Gin Palace, but he does like it to look nice.

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3 hours ago, Gracie said:

Come on everyone, let's not get too heated over this, we don't want novices reading this and becoming terrified of visiting Wroxham, things happen and unless we're there to witness it first hand then we don't really know the circumstances

MM said about the Helmsman being the experts we dream of becoming, well I AM that expert and I know everything :liar:naughty:



Hi Grace,

I know everything especially about yachts, mind you I am not sure how you tell them apart from the bathroom:naughty:



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16 minutes ago, Bound2Please said:

well put simply what floats one persons boat, doesn't flat an other's boat, simple's. If we all like the same oh my what a boring world it would become.


And we'd all be in the same places too, rather overcrowded methinks! :lineup:

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I think the Horning to Wroxham stretch is really one of the nicer parts of the broads and probably my favourite part aswel as some sections of the Ant.  Only in the quieter months mind as it just gets to busy like whacky races during the season and we dont find that enjoyable at all but as has been said we are all different!

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3 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Still don't know what the attraction of Horning to Wroxham is!

It's a gorgeous piece of river and receives unjustifiably negative comments on here. Yes there are inevitably twits about on boats of all types but that's the case anywhere. I don't let the twits harm my enjoyment of one of my favourite parts of the Broads. I include Wroxham itself in that statement - I enjoy the bustling boat traffic and its contrast with the tranquil areas. 

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Sunday morning heading back to Brundall we met some sailing boats and it took us some time to get pass all of them, but there was one in front. A bloke on his own. In the end we got pass him, but the guy would not slow down and the next moment we looked around and he was right behind us, so close. I said to Ian "that is what you say right up your a--, in the end he turned. 

The guy was only thinking of him-self not of us or of the danger if he touched us, we had been giving him right of way. What a prat and give sailing boats a bad name. All the other sailing boats thanked us, but not him.


Marina :Stinky

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We had incident with a sailing club a couple of weeks ago. A number of sailing boats going backwards and forwards across the river and a "safety boat" tied up to the bank. We tentitvley hold back and in the absence of any direction we approach. As we pass the moored "safety boat" they ask us to go back and wait as they are about to start a race! At which point one of the sailors is shouting at us to move through!

Great fun :-)

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By any chance was it the sailing club before you get to Beccles?

That one can be a nightmare when there are races on as theres not a lot of space.  If they just had a coherant method of directing people trying to go by life would be so much simpler! 

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I rather suspect that in all sailing clubs there will be a precocious brat or two demanding all and sundry get out of their way but in respect to the Beccles sailing club I generally find that they have got their act together. Spare space is at a premium, as dnks suggests, but casualties and sinkings are rare, at least amongst the competitors!

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1 hour ago, SweetKingfisher1 said:

Sunday morning heading back to Brundall we met some sailing boats and it took us some time to get pass all of them, but there was one in front. A bloke on his own. In the end we got pass him, but the guy would not slow down and the next moment we looked around and he was right behind us, so close. I said to Ian "that is what you say right up your a--, in the end he turned. 

The guy was only thinking of him-self not of us or of the danger if he touched us, we had been giving him right of way. What a prat and give sailing boats a bad name. All the other sailing boats thanked us, but not him.


Marina :Stinky

Marina, it wasn't but it could have been me! The bloke was out in front, one reason it wasn't me, and he was determined to win, that's what races are about. It is not unheard of for a sailing boat to use the vortex created by another boat, both in the water and in the air, to help draw it along, as I suspect was the case in this instance. I doubt very much that there was any danger although I accept that you didn't know that. Presumably he turned away when your boat ceased to help him. Have faith in sailing boats. By the way, slowing a sailing boat down when racing is not an option but sailing boats are remarkably manouverable, when they need to be. As I say, have faith. 

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Mother.. I so wish we took you out sailing before getting rid of it.. if anyone can give my ma a trip out on a sailing boat please do offer. 

As peter said there would have been no real danger from a sailing boat it really wouldn't have made contact.. if they are racing then it can be deadly serious and indeed the place on earth I would want to be is anywhere near racing sailies.. but sailies in general (and yes there are of course the odd rotten eggs) are pretty polite and understanding, there's also rules in clubs that they must never sware at passing boats and bear away from motorboats if they are going to hit.. if they disobey these rules then they can be removed from the club.. please can us NBN members follow the same rules no swaring... put yourself second... do all we can to be civil etc etc.  In fact I feel safest on the broads amongst a group of sailing boats...

Back on subject.. I agree with earlier observations that at least 1 of these boats is helmed by staff and perhaps the camera angle is deceiving, although Wroxham is busy and I've seen tailgating and admittedly at times I probably am seen to get too close but Orca is a bit of a cow really doesn't do 2mph in a crosswind so sometimes I have to get around slow moving boats or end up sideways across the river... again life isn't always selfish sometimes people do things for reasons and lets not be so quick to judge and criticise.

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What is good between Wroxham and Horning? In days gone by our children were young we moored in Porter and Haylett. We had very limited time but were sometimes able to visit for a day, or if we were lucky overnight. Wroxham held very few charms for me, but the journey down river to towards Horning usually stopping off at Salhouse was pure joy. The Autumn and Spring colours are still imprinted on my mind-pure heaven, and Salhouse for the children will never be forgotten. We returned on our boat 2 years ago with one son and his family. He was reliving 30 years ago when the very same ice cream man  arrived in his boat. I have yet to find any part of the Broads that doesn't hold some charm.

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"In fact I feel safest on the Broads amongst a group of sailing boats"..........Jaws, I adore you I really do but are you mad? :Sailing:gracie:The flappy thingies ought to be banned from the Broads and indeed any waterway in the whole of the United Kingdom, or at least any waterway I visit :naughty:

What a lovely post from Johnb, I couldn't agree more. I remember playing on Salhouse 'beach' as a child and my kids have done the same, a stop at Wroxham for Roy's Toy's and Food Hall then under the bridge for the beautiful run to Coltishall, absolute bliss


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54 minutes ago, Gracie said:

"In fact I feel safest on the Broads amongst a group of sailing boats"..........Jaws, I adore you I really do but are you mad? :Sailing:gracie:The flappy thingies ought to be banned from the Broads and indeed any waterway in the whole of the United Kingdom, or at least any waterway I visit :naughty:

What a lovely post from Johnb, I couldn't agree more. I remember playing on Salhouse 'beach' as a child and my kids have done the same, a stop at Wroxham for Roy's Toy's and Food Hall then under the bridge for the beautiful run to Coltishall, absolute bliss


Gracie, sailing boats have been on the Broads for hundreds if not thousands of years. Both the Romans and the Vikings sailed up our rivers and estuaries. It is those fart boat things that are the relatively recent interlopers, tis they that should know their place, their skippers and crew should dip their ensigns and doff their caps as we glide quietly and serenely past, emission free too!!!

Of course I jest, don't i?!

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Just now, JennyMorgan said:

Gracie, sailing boats have been on the Broads for hundreds if not thousands of years. Both the Romans and the Vikings sailed up our rivers and estuaries. It is those fart boats that are the relatively recent interlopers, tis they that should know their place, their skippers and crew should dip their ensigns and doff their caps as we glide quietly past, emission free too!!!

That would depend on if there was a club curry night the night before.....

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I don't think you can beat a summer's afternoon sitting outside the boat with a glass of something nice, listening to the sounds of the big white sheets on a saily flapping on a gentle breeze as they glide past, just beautiful but cruise through them, not on your life

As for the Romans and Vikings, way before my time, what was it really like, JM? :naughty::kiss


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