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Possibly a well timed tip about keeping away from black cars, as I may be looking for a replacement soon as mine was rear ended yesterday while I was waiting to turn right - just an estate road with a 20mph speed limit.

On the face of it damage doesn't look too bad - holed and cracked rear bumper, crease in tailgate, but the rear light assembly has definitely been pushed outward so possibly some hidden structural damage.

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Hi Griff nice to see your Motor Bike gleaming and smart. As for your Van Trevor I would suggest putting  Fenders all round it  to stopping  the Scratches and  Dents getting there in the future As for the Car it is looking great with you putting a lot of Elbow to it 

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2 hours ago, Mouldy said:

Bl**dy weather!  Had to send the wheels from my car away for refurbishment last week due to the lacquer flaking from where they’d been diamond cut.  Fortunately, my neighbour’s son has just put new wheels on his VW Golf, so he lent me his original alloys to stand my car on whilst they were away.  I spent a couple of days washing and waxing my car ready for this weeks MoT test, fitted the newly refurbed wheels on Friday and left the car looking shiny and smart, before heading to the boat for the weekend.  We returned home yesterday afternoon to discover that it had rained sand over the weekend, presumably during the thunderstorm on Saturday night and my pristine car looked terrible.  Why oh why did I buy a black car and allow the wife to have a black car, too?

A couple of hours this morning has rendered mine looking presentable again and I’ll deal with the wife’s tomorrow.  Deep joy! 🤨





:default_icon_cry:  My Jaguar xf is metallic black and looks just the same as yours did but I am going to wait until the wife wants to use it and she will take it for a hand wash and wax due to embarrasment!

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Black car owner here as well !  Mainly because any other colour was over £800 and I refuse to pay BIK tax on it, next car due in March is also black.  It was parked in Shell Bay last week and It's still a bit mucky several hundred miles on!

Seawork boatshow starts tomorrow but I'm currently sat in the Southampton branch of Autoglass waiting for my new windscreen to be fitted, at least that will be clean!  They could not travel to me as they need to calibrate the anti collision camera system.

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Outside at 07:45 this morning, washing the wife’s car.  Not only had it suffered from a deposit of sandy rain, but hadn’t been washed since we returned from our recent trip to Cornwall.  It was filthy.  Wheels cleaned, car pressure washed, shampooed, rinsed and dried, I was just wiping the door shuts on the passenger side, when I heard a thud.  Looked round and couldn’t see what it was, so carried on.  It was only when I got to the tailgate that I spotted what had caused the noise!

Yep, you’ve guessed!  The car had been attacked by a bird with a serious problem.  Roof, spoiler and tailgate had been dive bombed with a considerable deposit, causing some muttering, cussing and cursing.  I’ve also told the wife that if they continue to do that on the cars, she can stop feeding the ruddy things!

I’ll refrain from posting a photo of the offending deposit, for the benefit of those with a sensitive side, but I’m glad it didn’t land on me!!

Bird motion now removed, the car is back to how it should be.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 17/06/2022 at 01:03, BroadAmbition said:

And the pain continues

I had to put a few Ltrs diesel in my courtesy van yesterday.  My local fuel station is now selling diesel at £1:97 per Ltr - Shocking.  That means when I next fill up my GriffTile van it will be over the £2:00 mark and my recent £150:00 personal best will be broken :default_smiley-angry047:


Just seen this on FB.  Equates to about 130 gallons and should take an average truck about 1300 miles.  Frightening!


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1 hour ago, Mouldy said:

Just seen this on FB.  Equates to about 130 gallons and should take an average truck about 1300 miles.  Frightening!


Hauliers are not paying that pump price. All Hauliers and owner drivers have fuel cards or bunker tankers in the yard  they will be getting at 25/30p a litre less than those stupid prices..  

The average truck figures would be this. 

738.74 litres at 7.5 mpg = 1.300 miles. 

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14 minutes ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

Hauliers are not paying that pump price. All Hauliers and owner drivers have fuel cards or bunker tankers in the yard  they will be getting at 25/30p a litre less than those stupid prices..  

The average truck figures would be this. 

738.74 litres at 7.5 mpg = 1.300 miles. 

Yeah, get that, but some hauliers either can’t or don’t have bunkering.  We were averaging between 9 and 10 mpg where I worked before retiring using a fleet of Renault and Mercedes units coupled to high cube trailers.  The previous TPL company used a mixed fleet including Iveco, Mercedes and DAF units and some drivers were achieving more that 12mpg from the DAF XF’s.

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35 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

Yeah, get that, but some hauliers either can’t or don’t have bunkering.  We were averaging between 9 and 10 mpg where I worked before retiring using a fleet of Renault and Mercedes units coupled to high cube trailers.  The previous TPL company used a mixed fleet including Iveco, Mercedes and DAF units and some drivers were achieving more that 12mpg from the DAF XF’s.

If they don’t have a bunker tank they will have fuel cards like what I have all different companies.. 

our fleet of Volvos and Mercs do not hit double figures only once I hit double figures was running Bob tail to pick up a new trailer over a 130 mile run. We are running full weight 44 tonne and average is 8 to 7.5 mpg .. 

Unless your running empty and light loads and mainly motorway work you might get the consumption up a lot in Reality if your cross country work your be down to 6 mpg. Even less in the big scania V8s. 


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Well that's a relief, filled up Trevor Transit today only cost me £164:00 :default_icon_eek:  The relief bit was it was still at £1:97 and had not gone over the £2:00 per litre mark

I heard recently on t radio that the RAC had said that with crude oil price stabilising and falling there is no earthly reason why the price at the pumps is so high.

Erm, yes there is, pure and simple profiteering, the government are hardly likely to step in either with the increased tax and vat take they are raking it in


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1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

Erm, yes there is, pure and simple profiteering, the government are hardly likely to step in either with the increased tax and vat take they are raking it in


The government will be losing a fortune from those buying electric vehicles and who pay no road tax and VAT on electricity to charge them is only levied at 5%, so those of us with filthy internal combustion engines will be making up some of the shortfall!

Damn, there’s me being cynical again!

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yes once everyone has been tied into a single fuel source, the tax will follow, eg gas is being phased out, even heat pumps use electricity, petrol and diesel are being phased out, for electric, we have already seen the price of electricity nearly double, once we all have the smart meters, they will be able to levy different rates for different uses, ie vehicle charging.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

Well there's a surprise, Diesel has come down slightly as I discovered yesterday, its 'Only' £1:95 per litre now.  That meant I was under the £150:00 threshold by a whole pound when filling up the GriffTile van

Happy Days :default_icon_rolleyes:


Hi Griff the introduction of selling petrol/ diesel by the liter was the biggest con of all times, what was the problem of selling by the gallon (apart from the USA Gallon and the UK being a different volume|).



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I struggle to see how only £1.95 can be seen as a good thing, thats still a good 50p up on where it was a few months back.i guess they want us to see it as £1.95 being a good thing, that way they can still rake in record profits.

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4 minutes ago, grendel said:

I struggle to see how only £1.95 can be seen as a good thing, thats still a good 50p up on where it was a few months back.i guess they want us to see it as £1.95 being a good thing, that way they can still rake in record profits.

Hi Grendel,

I am of the opinion that £1.00 per liter is still too expensive. 

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