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It's All Going To The Dogs

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That’s puppies for you. Seren just wanted to chew and chew when she was little. Good thing Graham was home with her, otherwise we probably wouldn’t have much of a home left! Lots of chew toys, chewey treats, antler chew, and a chunk of hard wood to chew.

Although she’s now well over the chewing stage, we still can’t give her a soft doggy toy without her ripping it apart. 

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Just how noisy is this furry whirlwind first thing in a morning?

Outside for the toilet first thing,  Every morning her overnight sleeping cage has been clean.  Then it's Breakfast of weetabix, milk and scrambled egg.

Then the fun starts, woofing and growling at everything and charging around like a mad thing.  Whilst this is going on we are both trying to get ready for out the door to work.  My lad will be working from home here until MrsG gets back so she has cover.  Daughter taking her for her first set of vaccinations this afternoon


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Yes all is fine, thanks

The house is under siege and constant attack.  Anything and everything is a potential target.  We just daren't leave her unattended for a minute unless she is having a nap, even then we don't know when she is due to wake up and recommence her assault.  Purdey likes people that's for sure, follows around whoever is up and about, grandkids visiting are her very favourite and she loves children as they give her full attention play time.

So far the battle is about honours even but only just.  One piece of skirting has suffered, I'll change that down the road.  We were due to change our stairs / landing carpet, that is now on hold for the foreseeable. 

She insists on taking out her bedding every morning from her overnight sleeping quarters and is very serious and industrious about it when doing so.  Her toy box gets emptied daily and all taken into the lounge.  End of the evening it's tidy up time for us, it's becoming a routine.  The assault on the garden and MrsG plants is relentless.   The danger time is when she is awake but out of sight and quiet, you just kinda know she is up to mischief. 

We have never allowed any of our dogs upstairs.  Purdey has mastered going both up and down the stairs within a week! - Not good.  She is also very vocal too, especially if she thinks she is being ignored.  Rough playtime with me - those needle teeth, I'll have to get a good thick gardening glove, even my work hardened hands cannot stand up to her needles

She is illegally cute though and just great fun, both of haven't laughed so much in ages, she is a real tonic

Her last vaccination is booked in for 16th Nov, one week later she is allowed out, that cannot come soon enough



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I remember getting an English setter puppy. He was absolutely beautiful. Only problem was he remained mentally aged 3months old  forever (12 years) and would attempt to eat everything he found. in a previous  life he had obviously been a goat and would help himself to china ornaments from the mantelpiece and we would be left to identify what it had once been by the scraps of china on the floor. Twice he poisoned himself and once he had to have surgery to remove a section of rubber ring from his stomach where it had become lodged. If we hadn't  had a cage we'd have had no home to speak of left at all. On the plus side he didn't have a harmful bone in his body and was the sweetest natured dog. We called him Raffles. Little did we know how appropriate that name would turn out to be - he was an impeccably bred gentleman thief! One of my daughter's boyfriends at that time remarked that he had never been looked at by a dog in that way  before and indeed Raffles had a knack of looking him up and down as if he was a complete inferior. He was very lovable and is still missed.




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Seren wanted to chew everything in sight when she was little, including a skirting board and some of the plaster of the wall above it in our kitchen.  A couple of our our best ‘buys’ in those days were an antler and a chunk of hard wood (both from the pet shop). 

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Don't worry Griff, Purdey will soon have you and the Mrs trained to do her bidding.

Then you will know which parts of the house needed repairing.

The hardest thing training for a dog, is bringing those that think they are the owners under control although she seems to be winning!


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Introducing the MK1 Purdey stair stopper (Patent pending)

Its a left over bit of gloss white UPVC ceiling board (I fit loads of this gear to bathroom ceilings) with some pipe insulation on the ends.  It can be raised / lowered, easily removed / inserted and will not damage the decor 

This will stay in place whenever she is up and about until she gets the idea that the upstairs is out of bounds



BA NBN 875.jpg

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11 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Introducing the MK1 Purdey stair stopper (Patent pending)

Its a left over bit of gloss white UPVC ceiling board (I fit loads of this gear to bathroom ceilings) with some pipe insulation on the ends.  It can be raised / lowered, easily removed / inserted and will not damage the decor 

This will stay in place whenever she is up and about until she gets the idea that the upstairs is out of bounds



BA NBN 875.jpg


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