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Has The Nbn Got A Future? A resounding "Yes"!


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There is certainly an esprit de corps within our community which I have not seen surpassed or equaled within any media concerning The Broads in particular.

Our collective reasoning, our wealth of knowledge as implied by Timbo will serve future generations and provide a historical reference for those who wish to explore our social and working lives not only of the past but of the present day and of course our aspirations for the future.

I once mentioned the shoe box full of photographs of Broadland sunsets, taken all those years ago found in Grandads attic. Amongst the sunsets were photographs of our history. Some of which have survived. Some were destroyed.

For our generation it is the digital camera, the doc file, the pdf. Locked behind a password, in the cloud. Stored on a product now defunct. Hundreds of photographs. You always take two or three incase one does not come out. Of course they all do. Oh! And don't bother to ask grandmother for the password, she won't know.

Much will be lost unlike the written word of yesteryear of which some still remains. Facebook will not provide the vehicle for this important archive.

But this forum can and will under the governance of its present members.


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Hi, Don't think the FB option is too great as said above searching for item is a pain. I'd donate to running costs.

If the work load could be split etc I'd try take any network checking etc i'm about most evenings. Sorry but my days of programming forums have gone and having learning linux isn't sinking in lol.

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I think Seamaster has got his answer!

It is a problem when something runs smoothly and then threatens to derail. It is only then we realise just how much work goes on in the background to keep it all ticking over so well, just shows how you can't take things for granted. Jonzo is clearly a linchpin and is going to be incredibly difficult to replace, if indeed he can be replaced! But there is a shedload of support being offered and I hope (in fact I am pretty sure) that solutions will be found. If there is anything I can do to help the wheels keep turning, I am only too happy to offer my services - as long as it nothing too techy!!

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All is well and all will be fine - I will stake my fenders on it!

What is happening is that we are looking at the structure of the forum's management with a view to splitting up some of the work Jonzo did/does single handed so that we can have a number of people doing a bit rather than one person doing a lot.

It is important that we get this right now so that the roles are clearly defined for those coming onboard in the future. We are looking at the forum management, fund raising, events and event management, the techy stuff and all the other aspects that make this happen. Jonzo set a timescale of May which has allowed us the time to fully understand whats involved and this is why there is 'no news' yet.

The forum is in excellent health and a force to be reckoned with. We are making sure it stays so well into the future.


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I am a member of many forums, several of those appear to have been almost abandoned by the administrators, on one it took nearly 6 months to get an admin response to a question, on the other the admin has had several house moves and life changes over 5 years, and both are still good strong forums, as when they were set up they were set up well, and function well even without admin presence- ie with just a few moderators looking after the actual postings and removing spam..

I see this forum as set up with similar strong protocols, and have absolutely no worries that it will close, as long as one moderator remains I forsee no real problems, purely because all the work Jonzo has put in to make that so. the rest of the team here are perfectly capable of keeping things going, and Jonzo has already stated he will be around. I think he deserves a good rest after all the recent hard work he has put in to keep things running and make this a great place. As for all the non technical functions he performs, they can and will be done by others with the right knowledge, we may not all be technically minded, but there is always some skill we have that can be put to good use to promote and help the forum.

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  • Hockham Admiral changed the title to Has The Nbn Got A Future? A resounding "Yes"!
16 hours ago, JawsOrca said:

All, Can we please put an end to this thread... I don't think it's quite helping with P.R of the forum.. Jonzo is not allowed to be going anywhere until it's all sorted and he will still hold the position of Chairman..!

Hear! Hear, Alan.     :clap

We have three experienced Moderators and one new one AND Jonzo. 


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It was a good question to ask in the first place..... and I'm so glad to read the results of it.....that this forum is going forward and stronger....  yes I've joined others to....especially on Facebook..... there not a patch on the NBN...  you look down through them and all you get is stupid countdown clocks of  3 million days 7894 months 34 hours and 85 seconds until I'm on the broads... yes that's very good but everyone has to post it..... and really who cares.... they don't discuss issues or anything interesting... or anything useful.....  Oh and some have to copy and have burgees to...But there more expensive than Ours... and not so classy he he he.... sorry rant over... as I've said before I love this forum I've met some great people and made some good friends along the way.... the team behind this do great job.... so long live the good ship NBN for many many years to come...:wave

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"The intention is that they'll do it much better than I could have"...........I have no doubt in the Team on this forum whatsoever but that statement is way off the mark, you have done a fantastic job, given us a wonderful place to discuss just about anything and as far as I know every member on here respects you for it, if anyone disagrees with that then I will see you outside lol


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51 minutes ago, Gracie said:

"The intention is that they'll do it much better than I could have"...........I have no doubt in the Team on this forum whatsoever but that statement is way off the mark, you have done a fantastic job, given us a wonderful place to discuss just about anything and as far as I know every member on here respects you for it, if anyone disagrees with that then I will see you outside lol


You have a truly wonderful way with words, lovely Lady!   :kiss

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Wine can never replace a meal but makes a wonderful ancillary to it. Both are improved by it's presence.

These days I see Facebook in much the same light. OK, I only use it when the forum hits a hitch, it's useful to know what the problem is, but that's just me. I could say that some people drink more wine with their meals than I do. I have no problem with that and they have no problem with me.

I like the modification to the thread title, a better reflection of the situation. 

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I think that one of the problems could be that a lot of members are not gully aware of all the tasks that have to be thought of and dealt with to keep the forum running as smoothly as it does.

we are not sure who has taken on responsibility for what.

Maybe if we were given an insight in to the above things would be a lot clearer and everyone would be able to appreciate the problems that are sorted without us being aware that there  was a problem in the first place.

Not a whinge, just a thought.


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