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Corona Virus


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The news today,its been a good day.From Monday six people  can meet,children can go back to school.A good day,is that correct. Yet today over two hundred  people  died, many of which a slow and painful  death. The start of the week a airplane crashed in Pakistan. 97 sadly died.We were shocked .Every death is sad a life gone,family  and friends affected  by there passing.Yet today 200 odd gone many a painful  death. Pain touching family  and friends, the Doctors and nurses, the cleaner left to clean up the departed.A good day!Now nearly 40 thousand  lives lost to this dreadful  virus. HOW many more.So Monday more freedom,just think for a moment, dont take unnecessary risks. None of us has the cast iron shield. We are all at risk be careful, stay safe we must beat this.

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Now I know why I am not going back into the office just yet, they have rearranged the whole office to get 2.5m clearance, and the first day back we see this.


Sorry, picture removed as it clearly identified people (even i get it wrong sometimes)



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Not sure at present  in the country  the balance  is right.Theres still to many infected and many dieing each day.From Monday if you come into the uk,you will have to isolate for 14 days.Many things wrong  in my opinion. How to do get from the airport  to self isolate?Surely until you arrive to a place to  isolate you if infected,may well pass on infection. Plus for example if you travel from New Zealand where infection rates are next to zero,they will have to isolate, yet New Zealand  is more at risk from us going there.Too many people  sunning themselves on beaches, next to no social  distancing. I enjoyed  going out yesterday, the first time in ten months. I just feel we are entering a very dangerous time.We have all made many significant changes to our lives, many have died.Now is not the time to relax to much.

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I really think the Government should be concentrating on making anyone who’s had the symptoms or think they have had covid 19 to have the antibody test.. Our employer is buying us all a test kit. To see which of us who have had it..  Also that helps in the working environment to..

At least if they started to test they can start to sort out the numbers of cases In UK. There saying now that 1 out of 6 people in London have had it And 1 out of 20 across the uk have had Well if that’s the case this will burn out in no time... China haven’t reported no new cases in people who’ve had it before.. and no new cases So surely by testing this could be a quicker solution to trying get back to normal way of life.. 

Heres a question for everyone. 
If you all took the antibody test and it game back positive that you have had Covid19 and everyone around you, Your family and work mates have had the test to and there’s came back positive to would you keep to social distancing in the workplace.. ? 


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It's operation herd immunity , make no mistake. By a very poor stealth.


The sad thing is, there will be greater public uproar when the taxes get raised a couple of pennies to pay for it all.

Well, actually , the saddest thing is we are the worst performing country in the modern world when it comes to this pandemic.

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55 minutes ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

Heres a question for everyone. 
If you all took the antibody test and it game back positive that you have had Covid19 and everyone around you, Your family and work mates have had the test to and there’s came back positive to would you keep to social distancing in the workplace.. ? 

That is a very good question.

Except that it is what they used to say about the AIDS test.

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I think that would result in a two tiered society of those who had immunity able to do what they pleased and those without that were still very much in the position of self isolation, the freedom of the immune herd making the distancing of the others more difficult.

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1 minute ago, CambridgeCabby said:

I’m confused ????

if we post a picture or video of an individual or group doing something stupid or dangerous afloat thereby naming and shaming them then this is rightfully modded , yet it is deemed ok to post clear face pictures of individuals breaching the covid-19 regulations ?

actually you have a good point there, one i hadnt considered (and me a moderator too) i will remove them.

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Getting the anti body test is no problem we as a family last week employed a private health company with approved testing for the whole family (22) as some of us was really ill from mid December till the first two weeks in jan 6 confirmed covid the rest all negative we paid as a block roughly worked out at £90 each 


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2 hours ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

I really think the Government should be concentrating on making anyone who’s had the symptoms or think they have had covid 19 to have the antibody test.. Our employer is buying us all a test kit. To see which of us who have had it.

At least if they started to test they can start to sort out the numbers of cases In UK. There saying now that 1 out of 6 people in London have had it And 1 out of 20 across the uk have had Well if that’s the case this will burn out in no time... China haven’t reported no new cases in people who’ve had it before.. and no new cases So surely by testing this could be a quicker solution to trying get back to normal way of life.


I've just had two days in hospital monitoring my heart rate which has been very low, rarely above 42 bpm and as low as 35 bpm. I have a pacemaker set at a base rate of 60 bpm so it appears even the pacemaker is struggling to keep up. They have stopped my angina medication (which I have been on for more than 20 years) and I am self monitoring at home to see if it makes any difference.

Before I left hospital they did a blood test to check if I had any Covid-19 antibodies in my blood. They gave me a FAQ sheet about the virus and here are a couple of points the NHS make:

"The blood test is about 80% effective, so for 20% it will not show if you have had the virus or not."

"Although a positive test will show you have had the virus, we do not know yet whether you will be immune or whether you can catch the virus again."

I don't think it is wise to think that the virus will burn itself out and I would definitely take with a pinch of salt anything that is attributed as to coming out of China.

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4 hours ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

Heres a question for everyone. 
If you all took the antibody test and it game back positive that you have had Covid19 and everyone around you, Your family and work mates have had the test to and there’s came back positive to would you keep to social distancing in the workplace.. ? 

Already been touched on but we still do not know for sure that an individual cannot be re-infected after recovery!!

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Until there is any physical evidence that exposure to the virus creates any degree of immunity which at present there is not then antibody tests are pointless, other than assisting government in better understanding the spread and impact of the virus. 

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Surely the very presence of antibodies indicates a degree of protection or at least the knowledge your immune system is on the case much sooner next time, which would mean less replication has taken place = less virus to deal with.

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If I had a positive antibody test I'd not worry about the distancing so much but still take the same measures for stuff I'm touching that someone else is likely to touch, I'm not particularly worried about catching it myself despite asthma and auto-immune issues, I rather do a round of covid than munch a pistachio or cashew nut.

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6 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

If I had a positive antibody test I'd not worry about the distancing so much but still take the same measures for stuff I'm touching that someone else is likely to touch, I'm not particularly worried about catching it myself despite asthma and auto-immune issues, I rather do a round of covid than munch a pistachio or cashew nut.

Im assuming Ive had the virus and really want to to have the antibody test out of curiosity.  I had an intermittent cough rather than persistent but had fever and lost my taste and smell very suddenly, which still hasn’t returned since end of March.  The only thing I can properly taste are Terrys Chocolate Oranges. 

Even if the test showed antibodies Id still be just as cautious and nervous about being near people, touching stuff etc until there are more answers. 

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