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4 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

Just for old times sake I went back and read the first dozen or so pages of posts in this thread. It made interesting reading. Our attitudes were completely different back in late Feb  early March... all except one who was already taking advantage of the virus to whinge about the government.

Interesting reading, 13 weeks has changed everything, quite scary how fast things can change.

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It doesn’t matter which party is in control.. I take my hat off to them..  

No body hasn’t lost out financially.. Everyone still been able to put food on the tables every week. Everyone still has a roof over there heads majority of the UK still have there jobs.. And the NHS has been fantastic...

It’s all very easy to sit on the side lines slagging off “oh europe has done this and they’ve done that ... we should be doing this and this is so wrong“... We are Not Europe anymore..  and really do you think they would help us... ?   Yes at a Financial gain to them... 

There’s a time and a place for politics and any politician who can stand there and say they could do it better is a full of S***.
All parties should Unite and sit down together and not slag each other off and work together to get our Great country back on track. 

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Patriotism is excellent and I absolutely respect loyalty to our country.

To be truly a great country involves identifying it's mistakes and learning from them. We can not go it alone successfully and proudly unless we hold those who represent us at home and to the world accountable.

For many reasons we have not done as well as we could have or should have. I am constrained quite rightly from getting political and I can assure you I have no party political preference, I view them all as being as bad as each other.

Therefore it is the job of all of us to impartially expect the best of those who won our vote and to examine every action they take as they take them in our name.

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The scientists recommended going for "herd immunity" since that failed we have been playing catch up.

If you've got a theory you will eventually find a scientist to back it.

I think blame is hard to pin point if this sort of thing had happened recently before it would then be easy to appoint blame.

The countries that seem to have done best are the ones that were hit by SARS etc in their cases the people new what to expect, as a nation none of us seemed/seems to know what to do or how to react.

The only other country to go down the herd system, Sweden, has the worst death figures of the Nordic region.

Remember science advised herd policy, so don't rely totally on science, saying that science is the only thing that will give control of this virus through a vaccine! 


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yes, to all those declaring the uk has the worst death rate in europe, this week, Sweden had 5.29 deaths per million head of population, compared to the UK 4.48 per million.

this just goes to show how the press are manipulating the numbers to make things sound worse than they are. we have more deaths per day than sweden, purely because our population is bigger,

 but it doesnt sell papers to say we are not the worst in europe.

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3 minutes ago, vanessan said:

I’ve just read online that medical chiefs want the face mask requirement extended to pubs and restaurants when they reopen. That’s going to be interesting..............🤔

Anyone remember Mork and Mindy?  If remember rightly, Mork drank through his index finger - could be a useful talent if they implement that one!!

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1 hour ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

 . . . . . . . . . No body hasn’t lost out financially.. Everyone still been able to put food on the tables every week. Everyone still has a roof over there heads majority of the UK still have there jobs.. And the NHS has been fantastic...

Hmmmmm . . . going to have to question that.  We are about to enter the worst financial crisis that this country has seen since the war.  Companies are already shedding jobs, the hospitality industry will soon collapse if some sort of easing of the lockdown isn’t allowed in the near future, taxes will inevitably rise, mortgages will be even more difficult to obtain for first time buyers, slowing the housing market which will in turn impact the building industry.

Not only that, but with the prospect of a no-deal Brexit looming fast on the horizon and more companies pulling out of the UK, I think our prospects are bleak.

The NHS has been underfunded for years, a sad fact that has become all too apparent with a lack of PPE, scrubs and other essential equipment, as well as staff, to the extent that retired doctors and nurses were asked to return to work to help.

Still, let’s console ourselves in the knowledge that our food standards will be lowered to allow cheap imports from all over the world and that Mr Trump will be using his special relationship with the UK to get access to whatever he wants for a trade deal.

Just hope they don’t raise the retirement age again, just as I’m looking forward to 2022 and seeing out whatever days I have left on the planet at my leisure.

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46 minutes ago, ZimbiIV said:

The scientists recommended going for "herd immunity" since that failed we have been playing catch up.

We won't know if that failed for a while yet, the countries that kept it low may have a bigger second wave that we don't as it's already been through a large chunk of the population, only time will tell if that is the case.

Till there is a viable vaccine it's herd immunity or strict lockdown, the virus will not go away entirely on it's own.

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7 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

Hmmmmm . . . going to have to question that.  We are about to enter the worst financial crisis that this country has seen since the war.  Companies are already shedding jobs, the hospitality industry will soon collapse if some sort of easing of the lockdown isn’t allowed in the near future, taxes will inevitably rise, mortgages will be even more difficult to obtain for first time buyers, slowing the housing market which will in turn impact the building industry.

Not only that, but with the prospect of a no-deal Brexit looming fast on the horizon and more companies pulling out of the UK, I think our prospects are bleak.

The NHS has been underfunded for years, a sad fact that has become all too apparent with a lack of PPE, scrubs and other essential equipment, as well as staff, to the extent that retired doctors and nurses were asked to return to work to help.

Still, let’s console ourselves in the knowledge that our food standards will be lowered to allow cheap imports from all over the world and that Mr Trump will be using his special relationship with the UK to get access to whatever he wants for a trade deal.

Just hope they don’t raise the retirement age again, just as I’m looking forward to 2022 and seeing out whatever days I have left on the planet at my leisure.

Good Post !

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The really intriguing factor about this new facemask campaign which has been gathering pace, is that it is largely union led - and oh, Sadiq Khan! The transport unions such as RMT, ASLEF and the TSSA seem to think its a good opportunity to slow down the fact that in reality they just don't want to work (never have! ) but they have now been joined by that most upright of unions the BMA, another very left wing setup, despite all its pretensions. 

Although the campaign gathers pace, its built on pretty flimsy evidence and to fine people for not using them, is, IMHO, a step too far. How indeed do they expect many of the old, a large sector using for buses for example, to be actually able to buy them???? Still won't affect me too much as I can no longer find a bus to use!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

It doesn’t matter which party is in control.. I take my hat off to them..  

No body hasn’t lost out financially.. Everyone still been able to put food on the tables every week. Everyone still has a roof over there heads majority of the UK still have there jobs.. And the NHS has been fantastic...

It’s all very easy to sit on the side lines slagging off “oh europe has done this and they’ve done that ... we should be doing this and this is so wrong“... We are Not Europe anymore..  and really do you think they would help us... ?   Yes at a Financial gain to them... 

There’s a time and a place for politics and any politician who can stand there and say they could do it better is a full of S***.
All parties should Unite and sit down together and not slag each other off and work together to get our Great country back on track. 

Excellent post.

1 hour ago, Ray said:

Patriotism is excellent and I absolutely respect loyalty to our country.

To be truly a great country involves identifying it's mistakes and learning from them. We can not go it alone successfully and proudly unless we hold those who represent us at home and to the world accountable.

For many reasons we have not done as well as we could have or should have. I am constrained quite rightly from getting political and I can assure you I have no party political preference, I view them all as being as bad as each other.

Therefore it is the job of all of us to impartially expect the best of those who won our vote and to examine every action they take as they take them in our name.

Another excellent post, my only disagreement is that you can't judge the whole policy until it has been completed,, that is the time to judge and learn from mistakes.

No government in the world has got it completely right, some have got it badly wrong.

We won't know for some time how we did in comparison.

The other factor to consider is the behaviour of the public in complying with the regulations, a minority have broken them from the start, they will have had a negative impact on the final outcome.

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52 minutes ago, grendel said:

My daughter is asthmatic, and really struggles to breathe properly when wearing a face mask, she can if she is not being active, but as soon as she starts moving around she starts to struggle to breath.

As many know  I have COPD, as I understand, if you have  breathing problems such as Asthma, COPD etc,you dont have to wear a mask. When I went to hospital  the other week used a mask,it was not easy to breathe  properly. I will speck to my GP on monday for more advice. 

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2 hours ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

No body hasn’t lost out financially.. Everyone still been able to put food on the tables every week. Everyone still has a roof over there heads majority of the UK still have there jobs.. And the NHS has been fantastic...

What's the weather like on your planet.

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3 hours ago, vanessan said:

I’ve just read online that medical chiefs want the face mask requirement extended to pubs and restaurants when they reopen. That’s going to be interesting..............🤔

It'll be like Saudi, I was at a barbeque, every time a Saudi Lady wanted to eat she pulled aside her face covering took a mouth full, then put the face covering back again..

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3 hours ago, vanessan said:

I’ve just read online that medical chiefs want the face mask requirement extended to pubs and restaurants when they reopen. That’s going to be interesting..............🤔

Great news for ugly people, chatting up a drunk person while wearing a mask must make it so much easier, and if you say something really stupid you can try again in a few minutes with a different mask on. :default_biggrin:

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Listening to Kate Garroway on GMTV this morning was such a leveller.    Boy did it hit hard and made you sit up and realise that this bloody virus is a dreadful dreadful disease.     When you think what her husband and many many others have suffered because of this virus it puts into context the importance of hand washing, social distancing etc and although like others I find all this a darn faff at times having to keep wiping everything down, boy is it worth it if it stops a family member going through what her husband is going through and other people.

Please everyone dont think this is over and look after you and yours.


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Can I just add to my last post, that her husband is in his 50s and was perfectly healthy , never had anything wrong with him.   It really was a time to pay attention and listen.   When they took him into hospital unable to breath, he did not have a temperature or a cough.

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31 minutes ago, Hylander said:

Can I just add to my last post, that her husband is in his 50s and was perfectly healthy , never had anything wrong with him.   It really was a time to pay attention and listen.   When they took him into hospital unable to breath, he did not have a temperature or a cough.

The most poignant thing here is that he is apparently now Covid free. It is the damage that the virus has done to the poor man’s body that is preventing his recovery as yet. 

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On 29/05/2020 at 12:51, Paul said:

really? The news I read this morning is that BBC will carry four live games free to air, Sky will show 64 IIRC of which they will make 25 available free to air, you can bet that will be the boring unimportant ones like Norwich City ...

I don't like to say I was right ... but



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3 hours ago, Hylander said:

Listening to Kate Garroway on GMTV this morning was such a leveller.    Boy did it hit hard and made you sit up and realise that this bloody virus is a dreadful dreadful disease.    


I really do not want to offend, but does 40,000 deaths not tell us this? 

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