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Coronavirus And The Broads


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Our official update below:

The Broads Authority is pleased to receive news today from Defra regarding the conditions under which hire boats can resume operation in the Broads from 11 June.

Self-drive day boats, canoes and other paddle craft may be hired (no overnight stays) by members of a single household or ‘support bubble’ and operators will have to fulfil requirements to observe social distancing and cleanliness guidelines to ensure the safety of staff and the public.

The hire boat industry has been hard hit by lockdown restrictions and whilst overnight stays, holidays, skippered hire and boat trips in the Broads cannot yet resume, families can now get back on the waterways for a few hours to enjoy the special qualities, wildlife and beauty of the Broads which will be a welcome escape from the challenges of the last few weeks.

The Authority urges anyone considering hiring a boat to think about ongoing restrictions which may require them to plan ahead by bringing drinks and picnics or finding out in advance which businesses are open. It is also wise to avoid known popular Broads hotspots so that social distancing can be maintained. Litter has been a problem is some other National Parks so visitors are urged to take litter home with them.

For full detail of the new Government guidance relating to boating go to: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/covid-19-coronavirus-using-a-boat-inland-and-on-the-coast



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16 hours ago, BroadsAuthority said:

Our official update below:

The Broads Authority is pleased to receive news today from Defra regarding the conditions under which hire boats can resume operation in the Broads from 11 June.

Self-drive day boats, canoes and other paddle craft may be hired (no overnight stays) by members of a single household or ‘support bubble’ and operators will have to fulfil requirements to observe social distancing and cleanliness guidelines to ensure the safety of staff and the public.

The hire boat industry has been hard hit by lockdown restrictions and whilst overnight stays, holidays, skippered hire and boat trips in the Broads cannot yet resume, families can now get back on the waterways for a few hours to enjoy the special qualities, wildlife and beauty of the Broads which will be a welcome escape from the challenges of the last few weeks.

The Authority urges anyone considering hiring a boat to think about ongoing restrictions which may require them to plan ahead by bringing drinks and picnics or finding out in advance which businesses are open. It is also wise to avoid known popular Broads hotspots so that social distancing can be maintained. Litter has been a problem is some other National Parks so visitors are urged to take litter home with them.

For full detail of the new Government guidance relating to boating go to: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/covid-19-coronavirus-using-a-boat-inland-and-on-the-coast



Hello Tom,

All boat & syndicate owners are waiting with bated breath for your announcement that we can resume sleeping on our boats, when this happens you will be hearing cheers  up & down the country. It will present problems for shared boats with regards to sanitation between allocations and change over days more than likely will extended.



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It's interesting to read the comments on B.A's facebook post following similar to Tom's post there.. Strange how people are all experts in everything but not understand that guidance is coming from central government and the B.A are merely the messenger, shooting the messenger is going to achieve what?

Perhaps the B.A should be lobbying to allow us to stay aboard overnight but I suspect the scientist are already pushing the safety boundaries due to pressure/lobbying and shouting will not make it any safer! 

Whilst you, I or Darren from dagenham may not take advantage, I bet there's many more that will.

It may not make sense but we aren't virologist and we need to trust the decisions made by those that are. I'm confident they are being made for our interests. 

Thank you Tom for sharing an update..

Everything crossed we can stay aboard again soon. 

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13 hours ago, JawsOrca said:

It's interesting to read the comments on B.A's facebook post following similar to Tom's post there.. Strange how people are all experts in everything but not understand that guidance is coming from central government and the B.A are merely the messenger, shooting the messenger is going to achieve what?

Perhaps the B.A should be lobbying to allow us to stay aboard overnight but I suspect the scientist are already pushing the safety boundaries due to pressure/lobbying and shouting will not make it any safer! 

Whilst you, I or Darren from dagenham may not take advantage, I bet there's many more that will.

It may not make sense but we aren't virologist and we need to trust the decisions made by those that are. I'm confident they are being made for our interests. 

Thank you Tom for sharing an update..

Everything crossed we can stay aboard again soon. 

Thanks @JawsOrca

As a member of the team involved with our social media, it is proving somewhat challenging to get the message across that we are not the Authority stopping overnight stays.

We fully appreciate that it must be incredibly frustrating for boat owners, especially when you turn on the news to see large gatherings, but unfortunately this is the case for a lot of industries at the moment such as caravans, campsites, self-catering accommodation etc. We are hopeful that things will change this summer and these industries will be allowed to open up together when it's safe to do so.

If anyone is not subscribed to it, our latest monthly newsletter touches on this - 'Of course the next challenge is to get trip boats operating and overnight stays permitted. We will continue to support the Government messaging around social distancing to help maintain the downward trend of infections which could help the holiday trade return sooner rather than later.'

It would be incorrect for us to say that we are 'lobbying' Defra, however we are certainly in regular communication with them. I know that John has spent a considerable amount of his time over recent weeks/months discussing the unique issues that we face in the Broads with Defra representatives. Things can unfortunately move slowly when there are 'chains of command' to follow, however we are certainly pleased for our friends in the hire boat industry with this latest announcement.

We continue to work alongside other inland navigation authorities to speak to Defra and work with them towards a safe and controlled return to normality for boat owners.


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14 hours ago, Broads01 said:

Barnes, Herbert Woods and no doubt others are offering dayboats from tomorrow. I'm pleased things are going in the right direction.

At this moment I have the HW web cam on and there is a man pressure washing the day boats... I wonder why..

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It looks like Topsail are planning on the 4th July. How you keep 2 metres apart on a Thames Barge, God Knows. I think it must be changing. However if you go 1 metre that is really nothing! You only have to lean forwards to be well under.




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I agree Chris. Marina and I had two trips on Centaur,Thames sailing  barge from Maldon and Ipswich about eight years back.We had a great time,Would recommend it to anyone, however it's very friendly .Marina and I had a private  cabin there were also a mens cabin and a womans cabin.There was about 10 of us,a skipper,first and second  mate.We shared  ,cooking,cleaning  crewing etc.Think  it would  be hard to keep six feet apart.When it's safe,if you've never been give it a try.They also do day trips out of Whitstable. 

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I think that they must be planning day trips only. The waitress service on deck sounds like they want you to sit still as much as possible and restrict going below to just visits to the heads.

Best take some foulies case the weather turns.

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i am sure the operators have thought of the risk and done the appropriate risk assessment.

Don't forget whilst it is not impossible to catch it outdoors, the risk of catching it is further reduced, especially when sailing as you are always creating a breeze! Not everyone wants to hide indoors forever - some would think the risk well worthwhile on as boat as big as a Thames Barge!!

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I've just looked at stats which show the level of bookings for Hoseasons for the Broads, over the summer school holidays. According to these rough and ready figures, bookings have now caught up and exceeded the level booked at this time last year. That's some tunraround in two weeks. Some of that will be people who have transferred from earlier cancelled dates  of course. Definitely a staycation year. 

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And with everyone desperate to get some boat usage in! 

I must book my deck chair spot on Ludham Bridge, sounds like a vintage year given a few decent blows.

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There'll be one less boat in the fourth of July celebrations -Kathy has just been informed that a long-awaited carpal tunnel operation will take place on 1/7. In an hour long phone call we're told, amongst loads of other things, to completely self isolate for a fortnight before and after, even from each other! Apparently I'll have to fight the dog for the sofa at night.

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15 minutes ago, stumpy said:

There'll be one less boat in the fourth of July celebrations -Kathy has just been informed that a long-awaited carpal tunnel operation will take place on 1/7. In an hour long phone call we're told, amongst loads of other things, to completely self isolate for a fortnight before and after, even from each other! Apparently I'll have to fight the dog for the sofa at night.

A shame but good that is getting done and that the precautions are so stringent, there is some comfort in being confident about the arrangements hopefully. Best wishes to you both and a quick return to normal when all is fixed and healed 

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Thanks for the good wishes, Ray. We're at Ipswich A&E tomorrow for MRSA swabs, then a later date TBA for Covid swabs before she even gets on the 'final list'. Everything was explained patiently and fully by the scrub nurse, no question was too dumb for her - really confidence inspiring for someone who has only been in hospital twice in her life. (Unlike me!)

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Only twice is a pretty good record! One thing I've always noticed with me and my family is that the worst part is always the anticipation. It's a relief when the day finally comes and you can just get on with it and look forward to future plans.

Swabs is stage one, at least you know the process has started which means it's nearer to being finished 👍

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Driving past the triple locks at the Pont Rouge near Carcassonne yesterday I saw boats out on hire, from Locaboat, Le Boat, Happimag and Les Canalous, so the season is under way.  Not very many yet - driving past the bases I would say Locaboat have 5 or 6 boats out in Argens and Le Boat probably no more than that in Homps, so the season still has a long way to pick up from! They will be missing the UK customers (about 20%) as well as Australians and Americans but should now be no problem for the Germans and the Swiss, who are the main customer base. The French are only about 15% and those mainly in the off season.

By the way from next week in France it will once again be illegal to keep a child of any age out of school.

Thought I'd mention it . . . 

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BBC breakfast this morning has had fairly extensive coverage on caravan parks re opening.

The main theme seems to be wanting confirmation ASAP that 4th July is going ahead...

Apparently the government has been consulting with the domestic tourism industry’s and has provides draft guidelines, they really need a date now.

Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network

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On the radio this morning there was a discussion on second homes, private caravan parks and the like opening up first. That should include private boats being used overnight too I would have thought. As has been said however, the government will not commit to the 4 July for anything yet. 

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