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Coronavirus And The Broads


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20 minutes ago, MotorBoater said:

Not sure what we are seeing here, is it some kind of stir crazy mass hysteria ?

To rush into some kind of blame game is premature and a waste of time and brainpower.

Mass hysteria now!

No blame game here, just an acknowledgement that an enquiry will be required in the end because there is a possibility that some serious mistakes were actual choices that cost lives.

No one should ever be unaccountable, this refers to everyone involved! One day we will need to know the difference between the understandable human mistakes and the plain negligent

That is not unreasonable or hysterical


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Granted hysteria is probably not the right word but continually bemoaning the efforts currently being made, on a forum the likes of The Boris, Hancock, Raab et al are never likely to read, serves only to wind ourselves up.

Let us instead cheer the Front Line Angels, the volunteers, the public services and the delivery drivers.

I wish I could believe any inquiry will be as thorough as it should be.

I am already worried about 2021.

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Gentlemen (and ladies)

May i remind you that there is a reason that we dont discuss party politics (or any politics that doesnt directly relate to the broads) and that is because tempers get hot and frayed and people start arguing.

As Vaughan so rightly points out this thread is for the impact of the virus on the broads, we have another thread that is for discussions of the virus and advice on how to stay safe.

While we have allowed a fair degree of tolerance over the direction of both threads we would rather see them sticking to topic and not straying into arguments. if you want to argue those points there are probably much better places to argue them than here.

So please can we try and confine our comments to these aspects of the topics, if you really want to argue politics and whether the right ppe was available, then i am sure there are places to do this, here we would just prefer to see how to remain safe, and how its going to affect the rivers, businesses and broads we all love.

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Fair point....

I understand that maintenance is still being carried out on the Broads. Have any of our members with long experience of the Broads seen such a long quiet spell before in regards to boating. Will there be unexpected effects that will surprise us when we return?

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My real concern is will our boat look good with a green hood.

The planet will survive.

Humans may not but the planet survived without dinosaurs, all though reading some posts on here I am not sure about the absence of dinosaurs?

If you want to get rich, buy any form of syringes, nearly 8 billion to vaccinate in the world, corner the market now.


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My car will be packed and away to Norfolk 10 minutes after we are released to travel, I will then spend as much money  as I can locally, whilst observing social distancing.

Actually, make it an hour as I want to give my grandchildren a huge hug before I go. :default_biggrin:

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Green covers on a boat Paul - someone forgot to tell you that green on a boat ( other than growth! ) is bad luck ?

P.S. Thanks for that Mods earlier - this afternoon did no favours to the Forum.  Politics is best left to Facebook and the Daily Mail!!!

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The sun shone today, the wind was light and the sky was blue, absolutely delightful. There were six assorted kayaks, three paddle-boards and a lugsail dinghy out on the broad today, all at least socially distanced. Actually it was good to see a small degree of normality out there! Me, i'm catching up on my varnish work, seven coats so far.

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I agree with Marshman, Vaughan and anyone else who'd said keep this thread to Broads-related issues please. This is a Broads forum after all  but sometimes I question that given the huge volume of content that's nothing to do with Broads or boating.

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13 hours ago, Vaughan said:

Three months ago, did we even know what PPE meant?


You should have done,  I've always worn it for sanding and in particular for removal of anti fouling... 

It meant I had a few masks available when this all started.. 

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I've not read every post but a thought that maybe has been brought up. 

I can see boat hire being available before pubs and eateries open.  So if you pre booked a boat some time ago,  and now cannot cancel.  Then are of the type of person who eats out every night and or treats the broads as a pub crawl  what are they going to do?


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Regarding booked and paid for holidays. If the company cancels they will have to refund the cost of the holiday. If you decide you dont want to go in my cases the cost will not be refunded. We are due to spend a week in Cornwall next month. I'm fairly sure that will be cancelled. Personally we like visiting pubs and restaurants on the broads. Think we will all have to do things differently for some time.We have our own boat, when allowed and possible will go up to the boat. Cooking and having a drink on board is okay. 

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20 minutes ago, TheQ said:

I've not read every post but a thought that maybe has been brought up. 

I can see boat hire being available before pubs and eateries open.  So if you pre booked a boat some time ago,  and now cannot cancel.  Then are of the type of person who eats out every night and or treats the broads as a pub crawl  what are they going to do?


They are going to have to eat on board, or BBQ or starve and bring their own booze. Who knows they may even find they enjoy it more and with the freedom of not needing to be near a pub every evening may discover more of The Broads and some of the more remote and wild moorings.


6 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Regarding booked and paid for holidays. If the company cancels they will have to refund the cost of the holiday. If you decide you dont want to go in my cases the cost will not be refunded.

It is looking a lot more likely than not, although it is still yet to be officially announced by the government that anyone entering the UK will face 14 days quarantine. That's going to make things very interesting if your holiday company doesn't cancel, your insurance won't pay out because your holiday hasn't been cancelled, but you don't want to waste 4 weeks on a 2 week holiday. Will companies that cannot accommodate working from home, building sites for instance be ok with you taking another 2 weeks off when you return from holiday? This doesn't just affect Brits going abroad, but on this forum we do have a number of overseas travellers that come to the UK for a Broads holiday. Would they be expected to quarantine somewhere first in the UK for 2 weeks before they head to the boat for a week. Although it could be argued that you can be relatively self isolated on a boat, it is virtually impossible to quarantine for a week let alone two on a boat. Then off course they may face similar restrictions when they get home.

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11 hours ago, marshman said:

Being chased by Broads Beat waving penalty notices?

I hope not! The folk out on the water were clearly enjoying themselves, doing nothing whatsoever that put themselves or others at risk.  They weren't in close proximity of others, such as would be the case on a six berth cruiser, for example. It's all about common sense and it seemed to me that that applied, assuming that these were local folk who had only traveled a few miles. 

Anglers, bowlers and golfers all have governing bodies who have presented their cases to the government, perhaps the Canoe Union has too. It would have been good if our beloved Authority had done the same on behalf of us boaters, at least the ones that can stay apart from their fellow humans..

I wholly support social distancing, it is both logical and reasonable and is perfectly achievable in such as kayaks and rowing boats. Even harmless old codgers who want to potter around on their boats at their moorings  should be able to do so, provided that they can maintain the one fathom social distancing. Hopefully Boris will see the logic of a limited relaxation such as has been suggested by the anglers and golfers for example.

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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

I've not read every post but a thought that maybe has been brought up. 

I can see boat hire being available before pubs and eateries open.  So if you pre booked a boat some time ago,  and now cannot cancel.  Then are of the type of person who eats out every night and or treats the broads as a pub crawl  what are they going to do?


Learn how to cook on a boat, along with other essentials for a 'proper' Broads holiday.

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I believe that BoJo will say the roadmap closely mirrors what the first minister of Wales announced. In time anglers, golfers, tennis courts, swimming pools and the such where a distance can be maintained will be allowed. People will be allowed to meet up with an increased limit on the group size and pubs will reopen if they have a beer garden plus the allowed time to travel to a destnation and stay outside will also slightly increase. I don`t expect boat owners will get a mention tonight and 


Sorry the batteries in the crystal ball ran out at this point :default_biggrin:

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2 hours ago, TheQ said:

I've not read every post but a thought that maybe has been brought up. 

I can see boat hire being available before pubs and eateries open.  So if you pre booked a boat some time ago,  and now cannot cancel.  Then are of the type of person who eats out every night and or treats the broads as a pub crawl  what are they going to do?


Is that even possible? I was told that the best pubs are so busy at peak times that you can't always guarantee getting a mooring?


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Well it looks good for solo hirers at least, i wonder if more boatyards will once again entertain the idea that solo boaters are acceptable, as a solo boater (or a couple) can easily maintain social distance, and is liable to be allowed to hire earlier than a larger mixed family group.

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