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Boris Says We Can Go Boating!! - (Not sure he did we must wait clarification (edited by Maxwellian)


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27 minutes ago, Jemaki said:

The government advice is very grey on the area of what can and cannot open, I think it would therefore be pragmatic for the marinas to open for set time, say 9am-5pm so owners could make a quick check on their vessel.

British Marine, the trade body sought and received clarification from the government that marinas should be treated the same as caravan parks. The governments advice regarding caravan parks is clear. They should remain closed.

See attached Page 1 section should we shut our marinas to leisure berth holders? See also page 3

Now had they not sought that clarification there may have been more room for marinas to come to their own interpretation!

Additional guidance here


COVID19 Guidance for TYHA British Marine Members 26th March 2020 V2.pdf

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51 minutes ago, Jemaki said:

If marinas deny requested access for maintenance checks and something drastic happens to a boat that could have been prevented with a simple visit by the owner, will the marina therfore be liable for the damage. Bearing in mind that some insurers stipulate that regular maintenance checks by the insured is required.

Possibly something to take up with your individual insurers. Not speculate on social media?

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Live from the House of Commons - Boris has just said ‘we don’t want people travelling to second homes for holidays’. Boats for many of us can be regarded as second homes surely? Similar to a caravan on a caravan park. 

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1 minute ago, vanessan said:

Live from the House of Commons - Boris has just said ‘we don’t want people travelling to second homes for holidays’. Boats for many of us can be regarded as second homes surely? Similar to a caravan on a caravan park. 

Bot NOT for everyone. They are a sport and /or exercise.

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3 minutes ago, Poppy said:

Bot NOT for everyone. They are a sport and /or exercise.


6 minutes ago, vanessan said:

Live from the House of Commons - Boris has just said ‘we don’t want people travelling to second homes for holidays’. Boats for many of us can be regarded as second homes surely? Similar to a caravan on a caravan park. 


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I really am quite saddened by some of the attitude we are now seeing, we are all frustrated and want to get back to as near normal as possible and personaly yes get back to my boat but not at the cost of lives or putting things back, a little patience now could save months of further disruption on both personal and economic disruption, its becoming the old story of give an inch and some will take a mile, where we are really in trouble is that it clearly states that all these plans are dependant on common sense something that appears to be sadly lacking.


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21 minutes ago, Poppy said:

Bot NOT for everyone. They are a sport and /or exercise.

basically if it has a bunk, it counts as a second residence i guess, you dont sleep for sport or exercise, you could visit your boat, but if you sleep on it you are using it for a holiday, so its not allowed.

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2 minutes ago, grendel said:

basically if it has a bunk, it counts as a second residence i guess, you dont sleep for sport or exercise, you could visit your boat, but if you sleep on it you are using it for a holiday, so its not allowed.

Round the World yachts have bunks. Just sayin’................:default_norty:

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9 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

I really am quite saddened by some of the attitude we are now seeing, we are all frustrated and want to get back to as near normal as possible and personaly yes get back to my boat but not at the cost of lives or putting things back, a little patience now could save months of further disruption on both personal and economic disruption, its becoming the old story of give an inch and some will take a mile, where we are really in trouble is that it clearly states that all these plans are dependant on common sense something that appears to be sadly lacking.


Be patient or become one. Simples

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1 hour ago, Jemaki said:

If marinas deny requested access for maintenance checks and something drastic happens to a boat that could have been prevented with a simple visit by the owner, will the marina therfore be liable for the damage. Bearing in mind that some insurers stipulate that regular maintenance checks by the insured is required.

I very much doubt they would be liable as they are offering inspections if asked.

The marinas are closed in accordance with goverment instruction, the same basis as caravan parks.

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2 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I think theres alot of trying too get a square peg into  a round hole.boating for most of us is not a sport, it is leasure. Let's wait until  we can safely return  to our boats.

Why is then that wherever i'm moored the people coming in or even leaving think it is a contact sport. 

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15 minutes ago, grendel said:

basically if it has a bunk, it counts as a second residence i guess, you dont sleep for sport or exercise, you could visit your boat, but if you sleep on it you are using it for a holiday, so its not allowed.

Since it's not in the water and won't be for some while...... . The last time we slept on board was around 2016 !

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Broads Authority Statement, 11 May.

In light of revised Government guidelines issued on 10 May, the Authority is urgently consulting Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) tomorrow morning (12 May) to seek clarification regarding how this is interpreted in the Broads, in particular whether private boaters are able to use their vessels on the waterways from Wednesday 13 May onwards.

In the meantime, the UK Government has updated their general guidance on what you can and can't do as of Wednesday. Whilst the advice is still to stay at home as much as possible, from then onwards you will be able to leave your home and drive to exercise or spend time outdoors multiple times a day.

This means that members of the public can now drive to access public spaces such as footpaths and cycleways within the Broads as long as they follow all of the conditions around social distancing from people that are not within your household. There is no limit on the distance that is acceptable to travel for exercise or to access outdoor space, however only day trips are permitted.

Angling is also specifically named as an acceptable sport from 13 May.

Please bear with us whilst we confirm what the guidance entails regarding paddle and water sports. We aim to issue more comprehensive information tomorrow.

We continue urge people to take care to follow guidelines and respect social distancing. Plan ahead to ensure the safety of you and those around you and try to avoid areas that may attract lots of people.

Thank you.

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My plans have not changed, go and check boat tommorow as driving that way for work anyway so may as well do the last 10 minutes to make sure all is ok, marina are ok with this, but no plans on taking boat off it's mooring till I see how the next step pans out over the next few weeks, maybe consider june.

If number rocket then I'll stop at home otherwise I'll consider the trip to work on it but no runs out, I rarely see anyone else at my marina anyway.

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8 minutes ago, JawsOrca said:

the Authority is urgently consulting Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)

That really fills me with confidence! Wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall, as the saying goes.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring? An increase in the sale of paddle-boards?

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3 minutes ago, Bernard said:

So on June 16th can I go and launch my dinghy to go fishing on the broads?

Check back tomorrow when the BA advises (And probably check again just before you launch as it all may change)..

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20 minutes ago, vanessan said:

I’ve not seen or heard this anywhere else, can anyone clarify?



1.7 Are there restrictions on how far I can travel for my exercise or outdoor activity?

No. You can travel to outdoor open space irrespective of distance. You shouldn’t travel with someone from outside your household unless you can practise social distancing - for example by cycling. Leaving your home - the place you live - to stay at another home is not allowed.

1.9 Are day trips and holidays ok? Can people stay in second homes?

Day trips to outdoor open space, in a private vehicle, are permitted. You should practise social distancing from other people outside your household.

Leaving your home - the place you live - to stay at another home for a holiday or other purpose is not allowed. This includes visiting second homes.

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