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Staying On Boats


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Then there is the other consideration, holiday from work, currently I have been informed that at least 40% of my holiday needs to be taken before the end of august, to avoid manpower shortages later in the year as everyone has holiday to use up before the end of the year. now multiply this around every business in the country, as everyone who has had holidays pushed back or delayed tries to use their holiday up in the last 6 months of the year. 

If the government delay too long in reinstating peoples ability to take holidays, then the impact upon companies when they do allow it will be large.

So this must also be considered when bringing us back out of lockdown.

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having just received an update from southwark council, regarding businesses that can open, they mention that hospitality services will have to wait until july 4th to open (along with hairdressers and nail bars and pubs) so some guidelines must be published about the types of services that will be re-opening on that date, (unless like many others that is their interpretation) but there must be something to make all of these companies and councils confident for that date.

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I wonder who's "Web Team" it was who made the statement on Poppy's link as I very much doubt it was the Suffolk Constabulary. It does illustrate wonderfully how fake news can spread and cause confusion, or even unrest.

This is why I try to listen to the government on TV. Yes they too can sound confusing, but it is "from the horses mouth".

I have no doubt about Poppy's belief in whether or not that post was both genuine and correct and it just goes to show. If they can fool Poppy, "there but for the grace of God" as they say.

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We are hoping that we will be able to stay on the boat from 4th July. We have the week starting July 4th booked off work and have done since the back end of last year. We were supposed to be going camping in North Norfolk and our boat should have been sold by now. But with the turn of events and the sale of the boat falling through we have cancelled the campsite and are looking forward to a quiet week on the boat instead.

All fingers and toes are fully crossed.

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All the "webteam" were asked is can the boat be left at anchor overnight, I don't believe staying on it was mentioned and if they are not clued up on sailing they wouldn't know whats involved, the guidelines are very clear on the no overnighting bit, it's just peoples wishful thinking that is confusing.

I will happily be on the boat the weekend of 4th/5th july as long as infections keep falling or stay stable but the demos are not going to help the situation, and now the far right morons have found a cause I recon they will carry on for a while.

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13 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

If people staying on their boats were to fall ill with the virus then do they rush home or go into isolation? Isolation onboard sounds good but if you then really become ill, or simply need to go shopping, then you are putting other folk at risk. Seems a tad selfish to me.

They would have to go for a drive to test their eyesight. Burgh Castle is the closest we can offer. 

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6 minutes ago, Upcycler said:

I don't know if it is just me, but with some airlines and other peoples comments, profits come before safety.

The trouble these companies find themselves in is they have a responsibility to their shareholders and if they stopped pushing to get the restrictions lifted they could be seen in failing in their duty .

I fully support ukgov during this crisis but what I do have a problem with is that they are giving little or no notice to companies or the populate when measures will change thereby giving no notice for them to arrange measures to be in place or contact their customer base.

if in fact the relaxation does occur on the much bandied July 4th then why the hell not state it now as they have obviously know about it 

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I’ve heard there are spikes in the virus in some parts of the country. I’m still crossing my fingers that we’ll we able to take up our booking on 4th July (cannily...I hope...postponed from the previous week). Planning to take all our food with us. As it’s a Hunters boat with no power, apart from an electric ‘quant’, so lots of tinned stuff. Back to camping mode! Corned beef hash, lots of spam etc.

The irony is that our allotment is really powering up. First courgettes appearing, lettuce thriving, good crops of turnips, spinach etc. Wonder if I can persuade our neighbours to look after it, in return for free veggies?

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10 hours ago, Upcycler said:

I don't know if it is just me, but with some airlines and other peoples comments, profits come before safety.

The problem as I see it is that if we wait for an effective vaccine, the country will be bankrupt.  They’ve been looking for a cure for the common cold for years and still not found one.  We must get used to a new normal to save businesses and in turn, jobs.  The recession that will surely follow this will be the deepest and longest in living memory and whilst being safe is desirable, there must be a balance that we all need to subscribe to and get used to.  As it is, our children and grandchildren face a very uncertain financial future.

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33 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

The problem as I see it is that if we wait for an effective vaccine, the country will be bankrupt.  They’ve been looking for a cure for the common cold for years and still not found one.  We must get used to a new normal to save businesses and in turn, jobs.  The recession that will surely follow this will be the deepest and longest in living memory and whilst being safe is desirable, there must be a balance that we all need to subscribe to and get used to.  As it is, our children and grandchildren face a very uncertain financial future.

Agree with this.


As much as it would be nice to sit around safe and wait it out until this virus has been eliminated it just isn't a viable option. People have to go back to work, the economy has to get moving again. Yes with that comes some risk but it has to be a measured risk.

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I broadly agree but remember talking in terms of risk as a statistic means actual people's lives. What is acceptable in human terms? If you knew say 200 people, family, friends, colleagues, could you pick one to be the statistic? The one who doesn't make it?

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I broadly agree but remember talking in terms of risk as a statistic means actual people's lives. What is acceptable in human terms? If you knew say 200 people, family, friends, colleagues, could you pick one to be the statistic? The one who doesn't make it?

Any loss of life is extremely sad, but a deep and long lasting recession will also cost countless lives.

Poverty, Deprivation, suicides, health care cuts...

It’s is a no win situation, just trying to pick a course through it all.

Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network
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11 minutes ago, Bexs said:



Any loss of life is extremely sad, but a deep and long lasting recession will also cost countless lives.

Poverty, Deprivation, suicides, health care cuts...

It’s is a no win situation, just trying to pick a course through it all.

Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network



Yes, you're absolutely right of course. It's not good from any direction!

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30 minutes ago, Ray said:

I broadly agree but remember talking in terms of risk as a statistic means actual people's lives. What is acceptable in human terms? If you knew say 200 people, family, friends, colleagues, could you pick one to be the statistic? The one who doesn't make it?

Ray, I get that and that one in 200 could equally be me (if those at the odds), but we are here today and may not be tomorrow.  Might as well enjoy it whilst we’re here (as best we can) than wait for a cure that may never be found, or if one is may cease to be effective because the virus has mutated.  

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we already accept a reasonable loss of lives from influenza every winter, numbering in the thousands, yet we dont lock down each winter to prevent that, so at some point we will have to accept this as another daily hazard to try and avoid, and try and get back to normal.

bluntly the truth is that at some point we are all going to die, and its sad for those around us.

If we lock ourselves up and dont go out we can possibly avoid risks, but at the end of the day we have to accept some risks and get back out there and enjoy what life we have left.

we mitigate the risks somewhat when we take the flu vaccine every year, but we accept that a strain may become prevalent that we have not been inoculated against and carry on as normal.

OK this beastie is more dangerous than flu, but there has to be a point we accept the risk and get back to near normal. (or the new normal, whatever that is - I used to find it strange seeing orientals wearing masks in their daily lives, now I think we all see the point.

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2 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

Ray, I get that and that one in 200 could equally be me (if those at the odds), but we are here today and may not be tomorrow.  Might as well enjoy it whilst we’re here (as best we can) than wait for a cure that may never be found, or if one is may cease to be effective because the virus has mutated.  

That's another good thought Mouldy! Yes I guess we have to 'seize the day' in case we run out of days!

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1 minute ago, Mouldy said:

wait for a cure that may never be found, or if one is may cease to be effective because the virus has mutated.  

I have read that scientists already think the current strain is different to the original. A vaccine still seems to be a distant dream but there is now this cheap steroid  Dexamethasone (or something like that) that is giving some hope for treating sick patients. I thoroughly agree it is something we are going to have to find a way of living with if we are going to get back to some sense of normality. 

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Comparing the virus to the blitz, when the sirens sounded you never knew where the next bomb was going to land - but people just got on with it.

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Don't believe the experts! They all have a vested interest in propounding a different view, be it right or wrong. People are still listening to Neil Ferguson who has been wrong in almost every prediction he has made for the last 20 years - yet still they print his predictions!!!

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I keep seeing people on forums and social media who remain adamant that we should all stay locked in our homes until this virus disappears or until a vaccine, or cure is found. The one I find funniest is the graphic doing the rounds that suggests staying indoors, never venturing outside, never contacting another human soul makes you 100% safe. 

Sadly life doesn't work like that. Firstly even locked in your own home isolated from the outside world you are not immune. The post you picked off the mat this morning, the milk bottle on your doorstep, the box of cereal in your home delivery could all be carrying the virus into your home. Corona virus can live on hard surfaces for up to 3 days. How do you know that the tin of beans delivered to your home was not touched by someone with the virus yesterday?

For some people shielding has been a necessity, such as our resident Chelsea supporter and I hope Ian has managed to stay as safe as possible through all of this but eventually we all have to venture outside again at some point. but in doing so we must take every care that we minimize the risk for those most vulnerable amongst us. It makes my blood boil to watch people in supermarket routing through items on the shelves, handling countless number of items before they choose one to buy. Or to see them halfway round the supermarket deciding to stop and have a chat on their mobile phone about last nights TV and how their vaginal thrush is still very irritating. I kid you not, that's an actual conversation in the middle of Tesco which I over heard yesterday. There was quite a queue developing behind this selfish thrush sufferer until people decided just to ignore the 2 meter rule and push past. 

We have to accept that the way we do things must change. When you go shopping take a list, know what you want. Shopping, certainly in supermarkets has to become a picking exercise, not a browsing one. Find a more suitable time and place to have your daily catch up, don't block supermarket aisles and keep those in the queue waiting. We must, as a species get back to the principle of consideration for others, being thoughtful, showing some respect. 


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1 hour ago, Jemaki said:

Comparing the virus to the blitz, when the sirens sounded you never knew where the next bomb was going to land - but people just got on with it.

When the siren sounded, they took cover, when the all clear sounded, they emerged and carried on with the new normal.

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