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What Has Happened To The Summer?


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There does seem to be a trend going on. When we visited Glasgow a few years back (in February) there were lots of people that just seemed to ignore the rain and were walking about without coats. The past few years I've noticed in March that as soon as we have a bit of sun some people adopt skimpy tops and shorts, despite northerly winds.

Mind you, maybe they have been influenced by our Grendel...


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9 hours ago, Gracie said:

I remember last year in that dreadful heat how uncomfortable it was. If you get cold you can put extra layers on or cuddle up under a duvet but in that heat you just can't get out of it especially at night which makes it difficult to sleep too. Much prefer the colder months and Spring can be lovely 

You cheeky beggar :default_biggrin:

Now come on Neil, we all know you don't have polar bears up in wee bonnie Scotland, it's grizzly bears and you well know it :default_eusa_naughty:

A few years ago now when we went to Scotland my youngest was terrified the grizzlies might get him. I had to gently explain there were none where we were going only the Loch Ness monster. That didn't seem to help much :default_biggrin: x

Unfortunately, the grizzlies are in decline up here in Bonnie Scotland . The haggis are eating their young . 

On the "Wee Scotland " dig 😍, here is a lovely wee fact for you too digest with your cucumber sandwiches 😋

There is more water in Nessies pond , than there is in all the combined lakes of England and Wales . And it's not  even our largest or deepest loch .

Everyday is a school day 😘

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A word of advice to all NBN ladies, do not under any circumstances wear a floaty skirt in 30mph winds. I am not Marilyn Monroe by any means but I had several of her moments yesterday :facepalm:

Thank you to my mum for not helping me out because of laughing hysterically :default_biggrin: x

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2 hours ago, addicted said:

Our heating is on every morning and every night! I don't do cold!




Lummy I thought I was the only cold mortal in the whole world.   Well according to my other half.   I am with you Carole and have the heating on as well, especially this last week.

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It has been a lovely sunny weekend in Nottinghamshire. Very warm and wall to wall blue skies.

Lincolnshires turn for some sunshine this coming weekend. We are off to sunny Skeggy :default_laugh:

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