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Our day

Setting up a new 3 account (mobile broadband) for our friend in a nursing home who has just bought a Sonos Beam, a smart TV and an Amazon Firestick,  all with Alexa built in as he now cannot move anything below his neck. That's been a real challenge....but we've done it because we love him and if we hadn't done it, no-one else would 

D xx

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Yesterday evening me and MrsG went to the Vue cinema in Donny to watch Bohemian Rhapsody.  We both thoroughly enjoyed it.  If you have not been to the big screen this year or have been but no intention of going again - Take my advice and GO SEE THIS FILM.  It really is good, in fact much better than good.  Watching it on blue ray / home screen will be good but on the big screen with proper surround system it really is superb


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I watched Bohemian Rhapsody last week, the reviews are not great but Queen were not liked by the press.  There are a few large holes in the script but I also thought it was fantastic, by the end you thought it really was Queen - great entertainment.

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A little late,  but Sunday of course was sailing day,   after we had lowered the flags for the 2minutes silence. 

This week it was our turn on duty I was on the rescue boats, while my sailing compatriot ran the racing.

 Due to the strong winds,  several small dinghies capsized.  Most sorted themselves out,  we had to rescue one laser with a broken mast, another that washed up on a Lee shore. The other rescue boat collected a few boats too. 

In other news, Broadland model railway club  is getting ready for the October 2019 show with 13 layouts, 6 traders and one  trader booked so far. 

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It’s time for my yearly trip to London, set off from home at 6:30.  My pool car must be a reject as its like sitting in a bucket of vomit!  I’m currently sat on an tube train to Westminster that rides like a boat doing 30 knots!!  Only difference is I have someone’s bum in my face!!

I’d normally use a train for the whole journey but I’m popping into see mum on the way home.  Plus driving / tube is half the cost!

I’ll try and get a few boaty photos later.



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My day.  Well evening really.   Just came back from watching Bohemian Rhapsody at the Trowbridge Odeon.  FANTASTIC.  No-one in the theatre was under 40 and we were all rocking.  Even Martin thoroughly enjoyed it and he is not easily pleased.

I haven't heard anyone who has watched it that hasn't come back 'buzzed'!  S

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5 minutes ago, chameleon said:

3 forklift driving tests this morning,

1130 left scotland, blazing sunshine, A66 thick fog, A1 also for most of the way ,also usual friday mayhem ,arrived scunthorpe 1705, averaged 45 mph horrible run glad to be home

Should have taken the car. Forklifts rarely get over 45 even when the weather is good!

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What a waste of a good car. I blame leasing. Put him in an old Fiat 500 and they will think twice next time or receive a Darwin Award :default_trophy:

Someone else's bad day yesterday too.


Think the Sunday morning fry up didn't go well. Report says no one hurt.


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On 18/11/2018 at 07:48, TheQ said:

Advice to a new driver,  Robin don't ignore flashing reds...

There are enough people around our way who believe that flashing red lights (or even lowered barriers) do not apply to them.
Some even do it with kids in the back seat & the local Polizei on hand to watch.

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