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On TV news there are experts with 'this statist, that statistic'. Another one with 'rates of infection comparison tables', others with 'comparison with previous viruses', yet others with 'estimates of how long the lockdown will last' etc . . . then on the next news they repeat it all again.

I keep expecting Peter Snow to turn up with his Swingometer. :default_icon_e_smile:

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I have taken the executive decision to limit the amount of Cov-19-related TV "news" that is watched in our house. Much of what passes for news on the pandemic  is speculation or politics thinly disguised as science and a lot of it seems to be designed to ramp up anxiety without actually informing. There are, for sure, some massive lessons that need to be learned from this, but the constant political sniping and point-scoring by political comentators on TV is, for me, inappropriate at a time like this. 

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10 minutes ago, SteveO said:

I have taken the executive decision to limit the amount of Cov-19-related TV "news" that is watched in our house. Much of what passes for news on the pandemic  is speculation or politics thinly disguised as science and a lot of it seems to be designed to ramp up anxiety without actually informing. There are, for sure, some massive lessons that need to be learned from this, but the constant political sniping and point-scoring by political comentators on TV is, for me, inappropriate at a time like this. 

I couldn't agree more, the only outlet that I pay any attention to is the daily press conference from Govt and one Instagram account called SimplePolitics(they boil down all the rubbish to facts without any political slant - I always refer to their content on any political matters). Oh and I look at the BBC online for stats/graphs etc.

I can tell how much nonsense is being put out there by the tone of some questions fired at The Secretary of State this evening.

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This was written by my 21 year old niece,

It makes sobering reading and breaks my heart.

THIS IS A PLEA. My house mates and I are student nurses and midwives, and we are about to return to placement, where we will be facing this pandemic on the front-line. We'll be used as numbers to tackle the understaffed, underfunded circumstances, we will still have to complete university assignments, we may now have have our placement extended so we can't qualify as planned in July, we are still paying £9250 a year in tuition fees and we aren't paid a penny.
While everyone is in isolation, we are all missing friends, family and partners, but when we eventually do return to social distancing, we as frontline staff will remain separated from our loved ones due to the high risk of us having or carrying the virus.
Whole hospitals are being turned into Intensive care units, with an urgent requirement for ventilation, intubation and oxygenation equipments. Staff are undergoing new training everyday to keep up to date with the constant changes to keep the public, patients and ourselves safe. A whole new 'hospital' has been set up with thousands of beds sandwiched between morgues. Nurses are being re-enrolled from retirement and students may be asked to graduate and work early.
NHS staff are not being provided with WHO recommended PPE.
Today we got informed that even resuscitation measures cannot remain the same for covid patients.
Doctors are dying, nurses are dying, people's loved ones are dying alone in hospital. This is not a joke.
Unfortunately however, some are taking it as such.
My housemates, my colleagues and I are beginning to get incredibly frustrated having to convince people to stay at home. This isn't an option, it's government enforced. People think that rules don't apply to them, that just because they aren't symptomatic they can go out.
80% of people only show minor symptoms, but this virus is so incredibly contagious.
This is such a challenging, uncertain time for everyone, but if we all do our bit, to not only protect ourselves but protect others, we can literally save thousands of lives, and that may well end up being the life of someone you hole dear.

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Just to cheer you all up, supermarkets are currently making contingencies for Christmas Shopping under social distancing rules. Things like booking shopping slots, as you would book home delivery times, limiting home deliveries to one or two days per week in a particular town or village, even pre selected hamper boxes with car park collections. 

I wonder if they know something we don't

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When it comes to the journalists question time, the TV now has to be switched off for its own protection, as shouting at it doesn’t appear to have the desired effect, they all seem to come back with the same questions that get well answered day after day. It would be ironic if the TV needed to be replaced during these present times... 

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When it comes to the journalists question time, the TV now has to be switched off for its own protection, as shouting at it doesn’t appear to have the desired effect,  :default_rofl:

I can assure you that you do not have the monopoly on that one! :default_2gunsfiring_v1:


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When I sold my boat it was to a dealer who wanted her cleaned out. I then sold her inventory, mostly to members here raising nearly £500 for Cancer Research. One item was an Origo Heatpal and I threw in what I thought was all my fuel.

A couple of days ago I was sorting the freezer in the storeroom and noticed 5 litres of Industrial Clear Meths 93% Ethanol 5% Methanol 2% other, that was missed because it was in the Storeroom not the garage.

I am experimenting dissolving various moisturisers in an attempt to make a hand sanitizer. I have used it a couple of times and then washed with soap and used a tiny bit of Norwegian Formula to stop the skin drying.

Any ideas to get it to gel?



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The message does seem to be getting through as regards social distancing, not that I'm getting out that much. Once to the post office and once to my nearby Lidl. In both cases there was clearly a determination for folk to keep their distance. The other noticeable change was in people's mood, there was a general cheerfulness and friendliness, that at least I hope will continue well into the forever!

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48 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

When I sold my boat it was to a dealer who wanted her cleaned out. I then sold her inventory, mostly to members here raising nearly £500 for Cancer Research. One item was an Origo Heatpal and I threw in what I thought was all my fuel.

A couple of days ago I was sorting the freezer in the storeroom and noticed 5 litres of Industrial Clear Meths 93% Ethanol 5% Methanol 2% other, that was missed because it was in the Storeroom not the garage.

I am experimenting dissolving various moisturisers in an attempt to make a hand sanitizer. I have used it a couple of times and then washed with soap and used a tiny bit of Norwegian Formula to stop the skin drying.

Any ideas to get it to gel?





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2 minutes ago, Rednev said:



I think you have to get the starch to pop in the flower for Bisto to thicken.

I am not about to heat up Ethanol! I am very fond of mt house.

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11 hours ago, Paul said:

Just to cheer you all up, supermarkets are currently making contingencies for Christmas Shopping under social distancing rules. Things like booking shopping slots, as you would book home delivery times, limiting home deliveries to one or two days per week in a particular town or village, even pre selected hamper boxes with car park collections. 

I wonder if they know something we don't

If this is allowed to go on until Christmas, I fear that the cure will kill more people than the disease.

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14 minutes ago, SteveO said:

If this is allowed to go on until Christmas, I fear that the cure will kill more people than the disease.

If I understood my NHS daughter correctly it is expected to go on until at least June and then possibly linger on for several months more so maybe Christmas isn't to far off the mark, what a horrendous thought! 

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