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Corona Virus


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  • 3 weeks later...

Who knows  the answer, it could  happen anywhere.I don't know what the infection rates in Norfolk and Suffolk. I checked the rates yesterday  for Bexley population 247 thousand. 10 new cases up to  2 July,6 down on the previous week.Its perhaps a double  edge sword. Numbers coming down,therefore lockdown  relaxed ,then infections may raise again.This morning  numbers on the up in Melbourne. Sadly from whats being told this may be the pattern for some time.


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I don't think so PW !!!! Not the same - I walked the beach between E Runton and Cromer yesterday and although there were quite a few people either end - in between? Very few!!

Stop alarming people like Ian!!! The comparison with Spain is inappropriate!!!

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1 minute ago, marshman said:

Stop alarming people like Ian!!! The comparison with Spain is inappropriate!!!

I have no sympathy whatever, in these present circumstances. with those Brit tourists who are silly enough to insist on finding themselves on some beach on the Costa Brava where, for all we know, they may have themselves contributed to the virus "spike".

Did they really need to insist on their "right" for a foreign package holiday in times of such uncertainty?



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1 hour ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

We will have to live with it until  perhaps a vaccine is in place.

But then we’re told that by the time a vaccine is found the virus will have mutated and the vaccine will be useless. We’ve just got to get on with a life of strict hand-washing, hand sanitisation, anti-bac wipes, disinfection sprays, face coverings 😷 and social distancing. (Have I missed anything?) It’s becoming second nature as time goes on, apart from to many young people who seem to think they’re immune. Oh, and the elderly joggers who huff and puff and snort as they pass you on a very narrow footpath!!

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I agree that's what I said also.Do I hope for a vaccine?Will it happen maybe or maybe not.As time goes by think we're all getting used to living  with it.Your right.Some are stupid beyond  belief.

The challenge now is to balance health with wealth.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So here we are...into our 6th month of dealing with COVID-19. These words made me laugh but there's a lot of truth mixed in to consider. . .

🦠1. So let me get this straight, there’s no cure for a virus that can be killed by sanitizer and hand soap?

🦠2. Is it too early to put up the Christmas tree yet? I have run out of things to do.

🦠3. When this virus thing is over with, I still want some of you to stay away from me.

🦠4. If these last months have taught us anything, it’s that stupidity travels faster than any virus on the planet.

🦠5. Just wait a second – so what you're telling me is that my chance of surviving all this is directly linked to the common sense of others? You’re kidding, right?

🦠6. People are scared of getting fined or arrested for congregating in crowds, as if catching a deadly disease and dying a horrible death wasn’t enough of a deterrent.

🦠7. If you believe all this will end and we will get back to normal just because we reopen everything, raise your hand. Now slap yourself with it.

🦠8. Another Saturday night in the house and I just realised the trash goes out more than me.

🦠9. Whoever decided a liquor store is more essential than a hair salon is obviously a bald-headed alcoholic.

🦠10. Remember when you were little and all your underwear had the days of the week on them. Those would be helpful right now.

🦠11. The spread of Covid-19 is based on two factors: 1. How dense the population is and 2. How dense the population is.

🦠12. Remember all those times when you wished the weekend would last forever? Well, wish granted. Happy now?

🦠13. It may take a village to raise a child, but I swear it’s going to take a whole vineyard to home school one.

📫14. Did a big load of pyjamas so I would have enough clean work clothes for the week.

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11 minutes ago, Polly said:

8. Another Saturday night in the house and I just realised the trash goes out more than me

Oh yes! I have had "one" night out this year. I'm not exactly a party animal by any means but pubs, restaurants etc are nice. O N E ☹️ 

(Other factors before covid but still... )

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Seriously though (err?),  I’m not sure whether to be more worried about other people just acting as if it’s all over, or my disinclination to go anywhere other than on a boat on the Broads. My ‘special’ birthday was a bit of a let down as I decided that travelling to somewhere like Oxford or Cambridge to go punting wouldn’t be a good idea, similarly going to anywhere vaguely popular didn’t appeal either. Graham offered to book a restaurant but I wasn’t comfortable with that idea either. We did have a rather nice takeaway that evening though.

The weekend on Water Rail substituted for my birthday weekend though, and more than made up for it.

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I think we’re at the point where it’s about doing what you’re comfortable with while keeping within the guidelines as far as possible and as you understand them to be. I’m very lucky to have my caravan to get to instead of trying to book a holiday anywhere.  We’ve been able now to safely visit our family. And we have started enjoying coffee stops and lunch out again. But because of restrictions my company have put in place, I will be working from home for the foreseeable future. 

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Whatever precautions we can take to get back to as near normal as we can and do our best to enjoy life whilst we can, we need to get on with it.  A close family friend in her early forties has just been diagnosed with cancer.  It could happen to any of us at any time.  I recognise that Covid-19 could kill us, but all the time lost hiding from it could, you’ll never get back and something else could get you in the meantime.

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In the last week cruising the broads we got two calls involving deaths, both semi expected, neither covid related.

Get on with life within your comfort zone and enjoy it, covid is only a minor part of what is out to get you, it's just what's in the news.

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Yes, any of us could die of any number of afflictions but the fact is that Corona Virus can or even will, on top of those ailments, help us on our way. There is no good reason to belittle the threat of corona virus, especially for those of us who are vulnerable.  

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I think part of the problem is that we don’t have the government briefings very often now and people have lost sight of what the guidelines even are. I find myself keeping quiet because I don’t want to upset people, especially my friends. 

 I read something just a few minutes ago about a family gathering that may have broken the guidance about how many households can meet indoors together. And how many people from different households can meet outside together. But without questioning people you can’t be sure ... and who wants to do that. 

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I have to say in most pubs I have been in over the last week most people were behaving well and keeping a distance, there's always the odd one or two but you can generally keep a good distance from them yourself.

Remember the difference between caution and blind panic.

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13 hours ago, Smoggy said:

 . . . . . .Remember the difference between caution and blind panic.

Exactly.  I’m certainly not going to say that we should ignore all of the advice given, however the media will sensationalise their stories to sell more copies and use photos that appear to support the nonsense that they write.

We criticise people who apparently aren’t following the laws, but that is usual surely.  We find people in life that take risks and fail to observe various laws everyday.   That’s life.  We can argue that this is different, but no more a risk than the driver doing 45mph in a 30 limit.

 As long as we do our bit, wear a mask where necessary, observe social distancing, sanitise and sing Happy Birthday etc. we can still do what we can to support businesses in the sectors that have been hardest hit in this pandemic and try to have some sort of normality in there difficult times.

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