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Merry Christmas


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With only a few more hours to go before the celebrations begin,

Can I, on behalf of all the Admins, Mods, Tech team, Promotions and Events teams, wish you all a peaceful, contented and healthy  Christmas and New Year.

It has been a difficult couple of years, as individuals and as boaters.

 Some have lost loved ones and others will be  facing a first Christmas without a partner, others will be spending this time in isolation.

Please keep them in your thoughts.

We raise a glass to you all, whatever circumstance you find yourself in and look forward to meeting on the rivers next year.




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yes - its been my first full year on the forum, and owning my own boat and I've certainly taken a lot of guidance from this forum, so thanks to everyone for their contributions.

Keep safe everyone and have a great Christmas and a wonderful 2022 on the river.

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My very best wishes to everyone for a peaceful Christmas. I can hardly believe it’s Christmas Eve tomorrow.

The forum and community here provides so much friendship and support in so many ways. My thanks to everyone who keeps us afloat and who contributes with memories and wisdom and passion for the Broads that we all love. 

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Merry Christmas to one and all. Since joining the forum in July, I have been made very welcome and can feel part of the community when at the boat. I look forward to meeting more people when out and about. The tips and advice I have learnt have been invaluable, I keep all the ‘gems of wisdom’ in a little black book on board and use it surprisingly often. 
Thanks to all the admin team, I certainly hadn’t appreciated all the background work that goes in to running something like this. 
Also many thanks to the quizzers, so welcoming and it’s such good fun. 
And here’s a big toast to being on the boat more often than at home in 2022 (I can dream). Kate

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I also offer very best wishes for a happy Christmas, from Susie and I.

In doing so I am conscious of several well known members and regular contributors who have not been posting for a while and I miss their welcome input.

I very mush hope they are all well in these awkward times and hope to hear from them again in the new year.

So I offer you a toast well known in the Navy:

"To absent friends!"

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1 hour ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

saw Santa yesterday  in Stalham  Tescos.I asked him if he got my list,Yes he said too long.Then he said I was a bit naughty, bit harsh that.Anyway I will try to be good now Santa.

Well, if you'll always head your list with "Chelsea for Champions". Come on Ian. Give him a fighting chance!

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Merry Christmas to all my friends on the forum, to Admin who keep the wheels on and to Arthur who feeds the chat-room hamster without which we couldn't hold our weekly quizzes. 





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8 hours ago, DAVIDH said:

Well, if you'll always head your list with "Chelsea for Champions". Come on Ian. Give him a fighting chance!

Possibly more chance than Leeds, David, but let’s leave it there!  😁😁😉
Merry Christmas from me, too.  Thanks to the ‘management’ team too, for their work in maintaining the Forum.

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