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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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So, three adults for lunch & drinks. Teatime, four adults, three young ones. I reckon we spent about £150 there during the day. At 1830, as we were about to take the young ones into the arcade and spend some more - we were told move to an outboard double berth - awkward with three young ones and Purdey or leave. Not happy, the managers response was a shrug of the shoulders saying it is what it is as he wanted a large group just arrived alongside 


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We’ll, I don’t think we’ll be visiting that pub any time soon. Not even because it’s the closest to where Moonlight Shadow is berthed, so we wouldn’t even need to moor. Not a great attitude to paying customers.

Over the years there seems to have been a minority of publicans around the Broads who have behaved as though all their trade is just passing trade, forgetting that a lot of boaters are either private owners (semi local) or dedicated return hirers. Funnily enough, such publicans have quite often had a short tenure. I had hoped that the Ferry Inn was looking up. 

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It's been many years since we were at the Ferry Horning. We've  intended to pay a visit as its been many years since last there.As someone  who's spent a lifetime  in catering,I just dont understand some  in the business  I love.To be a good manager you need to manage people  correctly. Not only staff but importantly customers. The way you were treated  was out of order.



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9 hours ago, YnysMon said:

We’ll, I don’t think we’ll be visiting that pub any time soon. Not even because it’s the closest to where Moonlight Shadow is berthed, so we wouldn’t even need to moor. Not a great attitude to paying customers. . . . .

We went there last Friday night.  In all the years I’ve been visiting The Broads, it was my first visit, always avoiding it because it’s just too busy.  It was late when we got MS back to base from Stalham, so my wife had taken our daughter in law and grandkids round to The Ferry Inn to get food for them.  Our son and I wandered round after we’d moored MS at the marina.  By then it was after 19:30, so we ordered food for the rest of us.

Despite being really busy, the food was served quickly.  It was okay, nothing special, but I hadn’t expected anything special so wasn’t disappointed.  It was basic pub grub at okay prices.

The point of this post is to say that the moorings were rammed - double moored for almost their entire length.  Years ago, this was how it was at many of the popular places.  Double mooring was the norm at Reedham, Norwich, Yarmouth and outside popular pubs.

This doesn’t excuse the attitude of the management, but with the threat of more tough times ahead for the hospitality industry with spiralling costs threatening every aspect of their business, I suppose that attempting to maximise their earnings now is at the forefront of their thinking.  On this occasion, it may have backfired and customers may have been lost for the future.  I certainly won’t rush back there, but it’s not my favoured type of establishment anyway.

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2 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

I wouldn’t want to think forumites would avoid the venue because of our experience.

I'm glad you posted that Griff, because I think it's important that people make up their own minds in these situations, based upon their own experience.

I'm gonna play devil's advocate a little here, please bear with me. You've said you spent £150 in there over the course of the day, and I don't doubt that for one minute, but was the manager aware of that?. or possibly did he see a boat moor for the majority of the day and see a large number of the party on board go missing for a large part of the day, whilst they went to Bewilderwood. He may not be aware where the other members of the party went, for all he knows it could have been The New Inn or The Swan. So is it possible that what he saw was a prime mooring being used, a large group departing whilst one man and his dog propped up the bar for a while? Just playing devil's advocate you understand.

I do seem to remember that the same pub has signs in the car park, I cannot remember the exact wording, but it is along the lines of car parking being free for patrons of the pub, as long as they remain on the premises. I seem to remember a long discussion about it some time back either here or elsewhere. How they enforce that I'm not really sure.

I do understand your frustration though and not being a fan of double mooring can see the difficulties. Would you really want a large, possibly rowdy group trooping back and forth across your boat, on the other hand with the young ones and Purdey you didn't want to be the ones trooping back and forth across another boat. I think in your situation I might have been tempted to head to the mooring opposite if there was space and take a walk up to The Fur and Feathers, though possibly a trek too far with the young ones after an active day at Bewilderwood.


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Robin & Sheila joined me for lunch & drinks. The manager was aware of our spending. I had offered any craft to moor outbound of us on two occasions. He wanted us outboard even though I had explained this was not acceptable due to young ones and Purdey. 

I suspect he had our funds and then wanted rid


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7 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:


I suspect he had our funds and then wanted rid


I suspect that too. In these awfful times we are in you would think a group spending that sort of money and potentially more would be welcome with open arms and to stay for as long as they wished. I'm sorry this happened to you, I hope it didn't spoil the rest of your day

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It actually benefited us as we didn’t spend in the arcade on the young ones. Ranworth island only three other boats berthed, so ball games, Purdey investigating the reeds and trying to break the island land speed record and fishing. Plus the evening was blissfully peaceful, fishing in peace this morning was spot on


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I'm very shocked at the way the Horning Ferry pub Managers attitude, towards you Griff and your Family on a very pleasant day you all had as I won't be going there by Road or Boat as to being unreasonable on whatever explanation you give and have your hard-earned cash that's not good Customer relations in my book. One other factor to bear in mind having Day boat moorings from 9 Till 5 should be scrapped if they went Bigger Boats and more Customers to Double Mooring up. 

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1 hour ago, Andrewcook said:

I'm very shocked at the way the Horning Ferry pub Managers attitude, towards you Griff and your Family on a very pleasant day you all had as I won't be going there by Road or Boat as to being unreasonable on whatever explanation you give and have your hard-earned cash that's not good Customer relations in my book. One other factor to bear in mind having Day boat moorings from 9 Till 5 should be scrapped if they went Bigger Boats and more Customers to Double Mooring up. 

I’m sorry you were treated like this but I must say I won’t be going there anymore if people can’t treat people with respect then they don’t get my custom !! 

Never understood why people would hire a day boat and leave it tied up at a pub all day which is easy  to get to in a car 🤣

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Called in at Sutton yard for a pump out. Now we once again have a ‘Wonder ‘ tank  I’ll visit them again tomorrow for diesel 

Then wetshed, family departed for home leaving just the two of us + Purdey. 

Engine service complete. We sail in ten. Somewhere on the Ant. I suggested a ‘Honeymoon’ berth, MrsG suggested otherwise and that any wasp free wild berth will do


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50 yds away from the Ferry is Flavours. Been there a couple of times and the food and service is brilliant. 

On a day when the Ferry was heaving, we were the only people in Flavours. 

Owner/ chef/ whatever told me we were the only people in that day. Such a shame as its a lovely place but with only a handful of customers a day, I can't see it lasting long. Shame. 

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20 minutes ago, AndyTBoater said:

50 yds away from the Ferry is Flavours. Been there a couple of times and the food and service is brilliant. 

On a day when the Ferry was heaving, we were the only people in Flavours. 

Owner/ chef/ whatever told me we were the only people in that day. Such a shame as its a lovely place but with only a handful of customers a day, I can't see it lasting long. Shame. 

There’s been several businesses in those premises over the past few years.  None seem to last.  I guess the trouble is that it’s not at the side of the river and the average punter just heads for the pub, because it’s in plain sight.

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2 hours ago, AndyTBoater said:

50 yds away from the Ferry is Flavours. Been there a couple of times and the food and service is brilliant. 

On a day when the Ferry was heaving, we were the only people in Flavours. 

Owner/ chef/ whatever told me we were the only people in that day. Such a shame as its a lovely place but with only a handful of customers a day, I can't see it lasting long. Shame. 

A lot of locals are talking very favorably of Flavours. We went in Horning week and we will go again. A big party attending Horning SC white boat weekend went tonight. The chef was chef at the Blue Boar in Sprowston and my mother in law ( a frequent visitor to the Blue Boar) wanted feedback so do visit! He needs to keep in business during the winter

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