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Covid19 Booster

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11 hours ago, SwanR said:

You can request a letter from the NHS to confirm your vaccination status if you don’t have the app. Given that they access your medical record one would hope that it will include the booster if you’ve had it. 


Thank you Jean.   I have once more asked for a letter and I will let you know if the Booster is on there.    I usually keep our letters in what I call my holiday box file because apart from going on holiday and that in is in the UK anyway , we are not nightclubbers , but you never know if time will come when you have to provide all this information when going to a restaurant.



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My wife and I have our booster booked for this coming Sunday, but we are now thinking, why should we bother if so many people are anti-vaxers, so many people don't follow the rules and the rules themselves are as much use as  FIA regulations!

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3 minutes ago, Tempest said:

but we are now thinking, why should we bother if so many people are anti-vaxers

You booked it because you already know it's the right thing to do 👍

Anyway, who'd want tobe associated with anitvaxers and other assorted covidiots? 🙂

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I'm fully vaccinated and I’ve had the booster. No, I don't know "what's in it". Neither this vaccine or the ones I had as a child. Nor do I know what's in the 11 secret herbs and spices at KFC.

I also don't know exactly what's in Ibuprofen or Tylenol -- they just cure my headaches & my pains.  

I don't know what's in tattoo ink, botox and fillers, or every ingredient in my soap, shampoo or deodorants. I don’t know the long term effect of mobile phone use, or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods and washed their hands.
There's a lot of things I don't know.

I do know one thing: life is short. Very short. And I, personally, still want to do things. I want to travel and hug people without fear, and find a little feeling of life "before".

Throughout my life I've been vaccinated against many diseases. Measles, mumps, rubella, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis, pneumonia, influenza, rotavirus, tetanus, pertussis. My parents (and I) trusted the science, and never had to suffer through or transmit any of those said diseases.

I'm vaccinated. Not to please the government. Not to make other people do it. But I don't want to:
* die from Covid-19
* clutter a hospital bed if I get sick
* not be able to hug my loved ones 
* have to test routinely
* live my life in fear

Can't say it any clearer


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1 hour ago, Tempest said:

My wife and I have our booster booked for this coming Sunday, but we are now thinking, why should we bother if so many people are anti-vaxers, so many people don't follow the rules and the rules themselves are as much use as  FIA regulations!

Because whilst the anti vaxers might catch it and spread it and even if your jabbed and boosted you might still catch it, your better protected against dying or getting severe disease,

It really is that simple, but you knew that anyway.

Two not so subtle changes I've noticed today. My local pub the staff have been instructed to wear masks again and there is a notice on the door asking that whilst it is not yet the law again, please wear masks when entering, moving around and at the bar. Get's a big thumbs up from me.

Just been to Sainsburys and the screens are back around the tills and self service tills again. I never knew why they vanished in the first place.

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Well said Griff surly any reasonable action to prolong life and reduce bad symptoms must be worth it,  an hour of one's time to get a vaccine is not to much to ask is it,  its not as if you have to pay for it thanks to our wonderful N H S . John

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17 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

I also don't know exactly what's in Ibuprofen or Tylenol -- they just cure my headaches & my pains.

I believe the UK equivalent would be ibuprofen and paracetamol, Tylenol is a USA Brand name, so would be like saying neurofen and paracetomol.

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On 10/12/2021 at 08:59, grendel said:

 and what is the likely range of these miniscule devices. bearing in mind that to transmit you need an antenna of a size commensurate with the frequency you want to transmit on.

Yes it needs to be a wavelength of the frequency but mobile phones transmit on 3 to 9Mhz a full wavelength of which is 100 to 30mm So you could get away with division wavelength of a coiled antenna of 2-3, 2-6 or 5-9mm

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Just had my booster this morning. Moderna this time after the previous two were Pfizer.

Our local vaccination centre was very busy this morning. I booked one of the first appointments and there was a queue when I arrived as they were opening up.

It does seem as though people are taking this booster scheme seriously.

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My wife's hub has 950 ppl booked in today, that's a record for them. They have royal navy and St John's ambulance medics working with them today. The navy guys will be staying for as long as needed. Sadly this morning I heard from very good friend's of ours, they have tested positive for the second time in a year. Both are treble jabbed. They aren't feeling to bad,so let's hope the vaccine works for them. 

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1 hour ago, Cal said:

Just had my booster this morning. Moderna this time after the previous two were Pfizer.

Don't plan much for the weekend, that combination can be a bit of a headbanger it seems, short term and worth it though.

My local pub landlord and landlady made the mistake of booking theirs for last friday morning and regretted it, in that job a monday morning makes much more sense.

44 minutes ago, andyg said:

They aren't feeling to bad,so let's hope the vaccine works for them. 

The first part of that line suggests it's doing it's job to me.

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5 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

Don't plan much for the weekend, that combination can be a bit of a headbanger it seems, short term and worth it though.

My local pub landlord and landlady made the mistake of booking theirs for last friday morning and regretted it, in that job a monday morning makes much more sense.

The first part of that line suggests it's doing it's job to me.

Hope not.

Although we don't have much planned for the weekend I would prefer not to spend it all in bed :default_laugh:

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2 minutes ago, Cal said:

Hope not.

Although we don't have much planned for the weekend I would prefer not to spend it all in bed :default_laugh:

Hope you will be OK, my wife and I had our boosters last month (Pfiezer) and no symptoms whatsoever. 

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I had AZ for the first two and a Moderna booster exactly six months later. By that evening I was proper shivery like with flu. Tried to work the next day but couldn’t do it. Far too tired. An early night and I was ok by the middle of the next day. So just a 24 to 48 hour reaction. 

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My reaction was just fuzzy head, tired, and a headache, I had one day off as I was scratching around for things to do at work, if I'd been busy I'd have gone in, nowt worse that feeling crap with nothing to keep you occupied.

In the pub the landlord just felt tired and fuzzy while the landlady did the full shivers thing (couldn't be man-flu so must have been bird-flu) but still carried on.

It's only a 48 hour thing at most so nowt to worry about.

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I've had no reaction to the jabs, I've also not had a cold in over two years. I do have the flu jab as well. My grandson had a cold a couple of weeks ago and I noticed a few days later I felt like I was coming down with it. Usual symptoms went to bed expecting to wake feeling like c..p. woke up feeling fine with the symptoms gone. Absolutely no idea if the vaccine played any part in it. Our grandchildren all go to the same school and are tested 3 times a week so we were quite confident it wasn't covid he had. 

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Well covid has struck our family's Christmas plans. Sadly our daughter in-law has tested positive today along with 14 other members of staff at her work. The speed at which this variant is spreading is mind boggling. My friend who tested positive last week and has the Omicron variant reports mild cold like symptoms but on the whole his fine. He has been fully vaccinated and had the booster jab 5 weeks ago. His not the first person I've heard this from so hopefully the vaccine is standing up well against this latest wave. It was reported on bbc london news early yesterday that 97% of all ICU bed in London are occupied by ppl with covid and most are un vaccinated. So frustrating that folk can't see beyond the end of there noses..There ill informed decision are having a major impact on life saving surgery's as they unnecessarily clog up icu departments all over the country. 

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