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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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Is this yrs weather any different from last yrs and other previous yrs with a couple of exceptions ? .

Higher tides and indeed very low tides can be fully expected at this time of year as can storms .

Most people's boat go through storms and high and low tides while  they aren't onboard with no problems whatsoever , then along come the human and it's suddenly a disaster zone .

If you keep an eye on the weather and tides ( because no amount of talking about it can control them ) and gear up for any eventuality they you'll be just fine :default_drinks:

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New pump fitted and operational after the compulsory mucking about where the plumbing is concerned. It’s chunkier and  heavier.    £183 open wallet surgery what with reducers, s/steel  J clips, bronze elbows.  It’s working like a gudden, however this pump shifts more water per minute than the shower head supplies, need to be mindful of that



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We made Horning with no issues. Yes it was windy but seen it worse. Now alongside The Green. Shore power on. Then? It snowed :default_icon_e_surprised:

Photo’s - since taken I have since shuffled ‘B.A’ up a bit to give more room for any other potential visiting craft (Oh yes I have)





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34 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

We made Horning with no issues. Yes it was windy but seen it worse. Now alongside The Green. Shore power on. Then? It snowed :default_icon_e_surprised:

Photo’s - since taken I have since shuffled ‘B.A’ up a bit to give more room for any other potential visiting craft (Oh yes I have)





I was going to say, you will have to move up to make room for Calypso...

But looking at the pictures she may already be there.


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Yes, Calypso is there! We went passed her earlier - she’ll probably be at Ranworth in the morning:default_hiding:

Had a whistle stop visit to Horning today. Saw the 'regular' and then on way back BA had arrived. Didn't have time to stop!! 

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app






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No noticeably low waters experienced where we’ve been since arriving Friday. We have the undredged lower Bure to thank for that

What has been noticeable are these persistently high winds  still got them this morning  last night was proper noisy especially the gusts. I’m going to make for Wroxham today at some point today. Getting of this quay is gonna be challenging



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Griff - rightly or wrongly its the EA, I believe, who have the final say on dredging. Perhaps you could ask them if it has any purpose?

Its above my pay scale I am afraid, but one view I have heard is that without it, if indeed it exists, Gt Yarmouth could well be even more prone to flooding. As you know there are several low lying areas in that vicinity which have flooded badly in the past, and they are currently raising the walls yet again in certain areas.

Not my original thought I hasten to add, before anyone shoots me down again.........!!

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