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I'd really love to believe that those birds in Peter's garden know something we don't .  But somehow I doubt it. We've also got spring flowers showing their leaves in the  garden but I really can't imagine that this early in the year we've seen all here is to be thrown at us by the Winter, much as I'd love to think so. Could my scepticism be something to do with that experience we oldies have that was mentioned by Griff in his moving recent post?




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I’m gonna be driving Trevor today. Departing Gourock at midday-ish bound for home near to Donny. About 270 miles. The Wx forecast is far from ideal, no real problem, I’ll deal with it.

My concern is that MrsG simultaneously will be making the same journey in her ageing Focus. Only slight comfort is she should not be too badly affected by the wind gusts, unlike Trevor so a steady hand on the helm will be in order


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I did notice on my way out that my dinghy had rearranged itself (in a 12 foot square area of garden sheltered by 6 foot hedges all round, and that the bottom left side of my windscreen has acquired a crack, though not unsurprising with wheelie bins strewn everywhere along the road.

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It wasn't 'too bad' in Hertfordshire but I drove to a committee meeting about 40 minutes away in the evening and the puddles and pot holes were dreadful going.  Coming back it was even worse with torrential rain, wild wind and an idiot over taking me on a B road, on a bend when most of the road was covered in surface water!  I got home safely but they didn't deserve to!

I wasn't driving on my own thankfully!

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The view from my office window this morning.


The campus ring road is between the line of wooden posts in the foreground and the strip of grass, with the river (normally) running past the football field. I missed the excitement yesterday as the river rose, as I was working from home. Several of my colleagues had to wade to their cars. Also missed sight of the white van man, who drove around the bollards that had been placed across the road and the signs indicating that the road was closed, stalled his van and then flooded the inside when he opened the door and then had to wade ashore.

I normally have every sympathy with people whose cars get flooded, but in this instance...LOL.

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Today commenced a kitchen wall tiling job.  There's about 10 x m2 to do.  The client has chosen a mosaic.  These beauties are a mixture of glass and aluminium.  A real pain to cut.  Pointless trying to score and snap, the glass strips will but not the Aluminium strips.  Therefore every sheet / piece has to be cut on my electric wet diamond saw, moving them slowly through the blade by hand of course.   Mega time consuming.  Problem here is the cutting blade.  One can use a blade designed specifically for glass or another blade specifically for metal.  Swapping blades between tiles is impractical.  So which blade to use? the glass blade but it'll wear it out in no time. Hey Ho, plenty of spare blades on standby then.

I will be on this job for quite a while and it'll cost them an arm and a leg







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Look great Charlie but wouldn’t like to pay that bill at £100 per hour 😂     


If only - I wish.

I reckon that when I left earlier, I had got about 5 x m2 stuck on.  Decided I'm going to have to go there tomorrow for a half day to commence the grouting.  Can't begin to tell you just how much I'm looking forward to that!  :default_icon_liar:


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