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18 hours ago, Poppy said:

Right ! Having listened to the excuses given by Cummings I'm putting my own interpretation on things. If i wish to sleep aboard I shall !

I am afraid he is not the only one that has interpreted the rules to suit themselves.    Second homes were a no no from the start and yet Charlie went off to Scotland with Camilla and the Queen went to her second home at Windsor.      It has always been like this and it always will be.      I am just grateful to be still healthy (ish).



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The official residence of the Queen is not clear. Buck house is her working residence but she goes home to Windsor Castle at weekends.

Listening to Cummings however makes me cringe. His going to Durham might be forgivable but his day out to Barnard Castle really does begger belief. His justification for that trip is a desperate attempt to hide the obvious reason. It was his wife's birthday. Nuff said.

The question asked by a Daily Mail journalist (yes, it really was) stated quite rightly, that he'd "ridden a coach and horses through the spirit of the rules if not the letter of the law". In my opinion this is undeniable, yet somehow he seemed to be trying to deny it.

Several MPs and other Whitehall big wigs have fallen foul of this and have done the right thing. I think Cummings should do the same thing.

Having said that, If he tenders his resignation, there's nothing saying that Boris is obliged to accept it. Perhaps it should be remembered that although Cumming's actions were wrong, his advice was not. Advice that has quite probably saved thousands of lives. (my opinion of course).

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The thing that really annoys me ,is firstly driving 250 miles and not stopping. He's words.Really with a young  child.Driving to check he's eye slight.He must think we are all daft.I for one have lost some respect of Boris over this.

What is also disgraceful is the way the press have hounded him.No social  distancing there.

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54 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

The thing that really annoys me ,is firstly driving 250 miles and not stopping. He's words.Really with a young  child.Driving to check he's eye slight.He must think we are all daft.I for one have lost some respect of Boris over this.

What is also disgraceful is the way the press have hounded him.No social  distancing there.

Anyone who imagines his defence of Cummings is born of loyalty is unfamiliar with the concept “Boris Johnson”.

This is actually a simple story: man with no ideas is too terrified to sack his ideas man.

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Personally I dont know how much of this is a problem or another witch hunt by the media and some politicians, from what I understand he put no one else at risk or even his own family members, there has been plenty of examples of BBC journalists going into areas in hospitals etc that are far more questionable without what a lot of the public are doing, sorry but I see a lot of double standards every where I look and far to many playing politics instead od pulling together for the public good.


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57 minutes ago, wombat nee blownup said:

So the funnies get moved but not the political back lash.

Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network

unfortunately there is nowhere to move it to, at least the funnies can go in jokes, if you wish we could put the politics there too?

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49 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

Personally I dont know how much of this is a problem or another witch hunt by the media and some politicians, from what I understand he put no one else at risk or even his own family members, there has been plenty of examples of BBC journalists going into areas in hospitals etc that are far more questionable without what a lot of the public are doing, sorry but I see a lot of double standards every where I look and far to many playing politics instead od pulling together for the public good.


On thart basis, it would have been perfectly OK - and permissable for my wife and I to go out in the car for a nice little drive (25 - 30 miles) on Easter Sunday, sit by a river somewhere for 20 minutes or so, then drive home again ? 

Not by any interpretation of the regulations as I understand them it wouldn't, and there were plenty here saying much the same about then on here !

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12 minutes ago, grendel said:

unfortunately there is nowhere to move it to, at least the funnies can go in jokes, if you wish we could put the politics there too?

No Grendel, just the politicians. 


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6 hours ago, Poppy said:

Not by any interpretation of the regulations as I understand them it wouldn't, and there were plenty here saying much the same about then on here !

Exactly so! Seems some folk are forgetting that this was way back in April when lockdown was supposedly at its tightest. The man just ignored everything with an I don't give a stuff attitude.

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I do think that anybody who was fined by the police for doing something similar should have that fine reviewed. If the government doesn’t allow this it will prove that there is definitely one rule for those in power and one for the rest of us. 

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34 minutes ago, vanessan said:

I do think that anybody who was fined by the police for doing something similar should have that fine reviewed. If the government doesn’t allow this it will prove that there is definitely one rule for those in power and one for the rest of us. 

Wrong way round Vanessan. The rules were right, Cummings was wrong, so he should be fined to highlight the point.

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7 minutes ago, SteveO said:

So it is trial by NBF now. Isn't it time that someone locked this thread down? It is becoming political, offensive and highly inappropriate for a boating forum.  

This is in 'The Broad Scot Lounge'. Debates are held here about all things not 'boaty'.

Feel free to add your view.

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I shall remind everyone once again that this thread is for serious discussion about the virus, it has been straying towards politics, which would of course be against TOS, so could we please get back to topic (even though I am not certain what that entails) I think we have discussed the political side of this enough now here.

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20 minutes ago, grendel said:

I shall remind everyone once again that this thread is for serious discussion about the virus, it has been straying towards politics, which would of course be against TOS, so could we please get back to topic (even though I am not certain what that entails) I think we have discussed the political side of this enough now here.

Surely huge aspects of 'the virus' are inseperable from politics. We should be able to act like adults and have a reasonable discussion on almost anything. There will be areas whe we will all have to agree to differ.

The fact that a minority  seem unable to do that is sad indeed.

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As I understand it, it's party politics that is not to be discussed on the forum, and I believe there are members from both sides of the house discussing Cummings behaviour and not from a party political stand point. Cummings is responsible for many of the  lockdown rules.

In fairness Grendel, I can't help feel that this makes for exactly what you remind us of. Serious debate about the virus  and it's associated issues.

Oh, and just to be flippant, SteveO, ,  This is the NBN.   :-)

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