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1 minute ago, Poppy said:

Surely huge aspects of 'the virus' are inseperable from politics. We should be able to act like adults and have a reasonable discussion on almost anything. There will be areas whe we will all have to agree to differ.

The fact that a minority  seem unable to do that is sad indeed.

sometimes people just need to be reminded that this is the case, and that is generally at the point where reasonable discussion is getting to the point of not being reasonable any more.

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I hesitate to enter this debate as I agree we don't "do" politics and we could say that this dispute doesn't concern the Broads but does it?

As private boat owners we have been fastidious in sticking to the guidelines and keeping away during lockdown. So how would we feel if Cummings had driven 200 miles to celebrate his wife's birthday on Ranworth Staithe and "check his eyesight"?

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31 minutes ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

I am sick n tired of this subject, where ever you go be it tv, radio or online media it is there!  It`s like when a great song made No.1 in the charts but stayed there too long to the point where you start to groan when you heard it on the radio. :default_gbxhmm:

I personally ignore threads which hold absolutely no interest or relevance to me,  which hire boat for example but others find it of interest.  I fully support their right to follow such threads.

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21 minutes ago, Poppy said:

I personally ignore threads which hold absolutely no interest or relevance to me,  which hire boat for example but others find it of interest.  I fully support their right to follow such threads.

I should of made myself clearer, the thread topic is of interest however the  clamour over one man's actions is now yesterday's news.

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As for becoming political Dominic Cummings is not a politician but an advisor, a public figure in the same way as leading business men and women, sports people . Whether he has broken the letter of the lock down restrictions or simply the spirit of them I think it is quite reasonable that those of us who have stuck to them rigorously should be allowed to voice our disapproval. 

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When I was 21 years old I had a heavy goods vehicle licence, by what they called "grandfather's rights" and have driven HGV's ever since, including formal training with the Royal Corps of Transport. I am licensed to drive every vehicle on the road today, including motor cycles and mobile cranes, but not fare paying coaches as I do not have a PSV licence. As I am over 65 I have to pass regular medicals including eyesight tests.

So if I want to check my eyesight I go to the doctor who will fill in a form having examined me. I have no need, or excuse whatever, during lockdown restrictions, to drive to Barnard Castle and peer out to sea to check whether I can see anything or not.

This excuse alone, on the part of Cummings, is a disgraceful insult to anyone's intelligence. And the press didn't "make it up". He said it himself, on live TV.


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ok, hands up anyone who hasnt yet expressed their disapproval, but still wants to :default_biggrin:.

now lets say 24 hours more just in case someone hasnt heard about it yet, then we can forget about a certain persons cummings and goings unless it rears its head in a major way again.:default_biggrin:.

by the way if you hadnt guessed already, this is my personal view, and may not be endorsed by the rest of the moderators or committee, so dont have a go at the running of the forum when i have only expressed my personal views.:default_gbxhmm::default_coat:

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I don't think this is yesterday's news at all.

The Prime Minister, of his own volition, has chosen to support Cummings' actions and this means his personal, and un-elected, political advisor is now inviolate.

While the rest of us risk fines, arrest and public disgrace if we so much as sit for a moment on a park bench.

I notice that Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons today (Wednesday) did not take place. This, in itself, is a breakdown of constitutional democracy.

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Parliament is on yet another holiday/break thing other than that I agree with you 100% Vaughan.

This is still very much Today's News and those trying to draw a line under it are the one's being "party political" This has nothing to do with 'Party' and everything to do with ' Government'

Perhaps it is not an ideal subject for a Norfolk Broads forum but it is in the general area and no one is forced to read it.

To speak truth unto power is everyone's responsibility wherever they are.

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23 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

I have no need, or excuse whatever, during lockdown restrictions, to drive to Barnard Castle and peer out to sea to check whether I can see anything or not.

Vaughan if you can see the sea from Barnard Castle I can assure you that your eyesight is in perfect condition...:default_biggrin:

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Ray i disagree, i have no interest which party is in power, i am just fed up of hearing about an idiot who failed to respect government policy, all the time we talk about him we are keeping his name in the news, and any spin doctor will tell you free publicity isnt ever bad. add to that the press's antics and the whole thing has become a farce.

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Vaughan, you must have the sight of the Hubble telescope to see the sea.

Is it the North Sea or Irish Sea you can see?

Sorry but as a Norfolk lad you won't know Barney is north of Lincoln, very far in land.

Think of seeing the sea from Norwich from ground level!

Just said in jest.

There are lots of places I don't know, like France!



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I agree Grendel in every respect except that if the matter is just let go then he has got away with it! I too don't have any party affiliation, I don't trust a single one of them whatever they call themselves. I just think that our PM is letting the country down by protecting this person from the consequences of his actions.

I do accept that this isn't the ideal place to discuss this, but I do genuinely worry when I see an acceptance of this even when it is reluctant.

However I have said my piece and been allowed to for which I thank you and the forum. I shall now return to everyone's mutual love of the Broads which is much safer ground!

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After having the virus and Lost friends who was not lucky enough to pull through it I find it quite shocking about there actions and total Attitude towards it.. 

Our local hospital weston general is absolutely riddled in the virus mainly the staff and now the patients.. Do you think people care ... ?? Us locals are very concerned over it ...  

But in the eyes of a West Midlands family on our local bbc news tonight couldn’t careless all there interested was driving all the way down to weston for an ice cream and Fish and chips ... Sorry is it me or am I missing something here.. Basically are they just thick and completely stupid Or basically don’t care... 

Saturday evening I went to Collect our click and collect shopping in weston. And I got pulled in By the police at a checkpoint and asked where I was going, am I local, Do I need to be going where I’m Off to .. I asked the police why are you pulling in local vehicles and not holiday makers.. He said there isn’t any .. I started to laugh at him.. What he didn’t find funny .. I told him you be better sitting down the sea front and sort it out as there was complaints of massive crowds and no social distancing going on.. I was quite happy to get back home and get back into lock down mode again .. 



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This whole story is showing the country  in a bad light.We have all suffered  hard ships for weeks on end.For my part ,apart from two odd hours in hospital  I've been at home for ten weeks,my world is the house and the garden let's it.This man thinks we are all stupid. He is a aide not a politician. It is disgraceful and it will remain today's news until he goes.This dreadful  disease and the fight against it is not helped by this very selfish man.

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4 hours ago, grendel said:


now lets say 24 hours more just in case someone hasnt heard about it yet, then we can forget about a certain persons cummings and goings unless it rears its head in a major way again.:default_biggrin:.


Agreed, so I'll jump in with just 20 hours to go:

He obviously considers himself to be Royalty because he's clearly read the Royal Handbook on how to conduct a car-crash interview. He stuttered a bit, probably because he was cringing as he realised someone had written the words "eyesight" and "driving" in the same sentence. Should have read it through before going live Dom.

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I've absolutely no interest in political sides, but I do care about this virus and the impact it has had on people and their lives. It goes without saying not least those who have lost their lives, but also those who have had to sit at home and couldn't be with their loved ones in the last moments of their lives, those nhs staff members who have gone into work everyday and tried their utmost to help patients and have had to deal with the repeated emotional impact as they see patients who could not be helped and yet bravely soldier on shift after awful shift dealing with it. Also, those nhs staff and carers who have moved out of their own homes and left partners or young children behind for weeks at a time so that they could undertake more of these difficult shifts whilst ensuring they only put themselves at risk and not their wider families.....I do care a lot about those. And that's not even starting with the majority of us that have done no more than to stay at home, stay safe and stop the spread where we can to help the NHS do what it needs to, all the while missing our family members terribly. 

What the adviser chose to do was just that- a choice. His choice. In my mind it wasn't acceptable given what was being asked of and being done by others. And then to top that by suggesting he drive to a beauty spot some 30 miles away "to test his eyesight" I feel was the final insult. He disagrees. 

Im pretty sure he didn't mention that particular trip was his wife's birthday, did he? Wiki seems to indicate it was....

I sincerely hope that the choice made, and now very publicly played out, does not encourage others to make similar choices, but of course it may well do.

Right, I'm done. I agree with Ray- I've had my say and thanks. I shall get back to hoping and praying that this virus goes away, and stops taking or ruining lives in the way it has so far, and looking forward to better times when we can hold our loved ones close again- maybe even one day get back to the Broads and be truly grateful for each day that we get. And possibly, hopefully and with much luck we will once again get to have a picnic with our own family whilst sat next to the river on our birthdays :default_gbxhmm:

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Went for a stroll along the seafront at Lowestoft today. Quite clearly social distancing advice is now being widely ignored as there were many close knit groups out on the sand. My personal view is that you lead by example, Cummings has set an appalling example and we are now seeing the result. Gorgeous day, not a cloud in the sky, perfect! People were behaving as if it is all over.

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5 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Went for a stroll along the seafront at Lowestoft today. Quite clearly social distancing advice is now being widely ignored as there were many close knit groups out on the sand. My personal view is that you lead by example, Cummings has set an appalling example and we are now seeing the result. Gorgeous day, not a cloud in the sky, perfect! People were behaving as if it is all over.

i just hope Peter we dont see a second wave 


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I find myself wondering how the government is going to make any new liftings clear. Each time things change the "lock-down" rules become even more complicated.

Obviously, being allowed to go to my boat and stay onboard is the big one for me, as it is for most boat owners. That of course is the same for caravan, second home, and campervan owners, but I am wondering how this relaxation will be worded, and how it will be publicised.

I, as ever, will exaggerate by way of illustration, but I can't see Boris standing in front of a camera and saying live to the nation... "And now to all my rich friends I say, you can all return to your second homes for your holidays. It will be some time before the peasants can go back to Ibeza, but don't worry about them!"  

OK, in true context, boats, second homes etc. are luxuries, and at some point the government will relax the restrictions on using them. but will they make that relaxation clear, and if so how can they do so without leaving themselves open to party political attack.

Now, I know that this last point is skating on thin ice re ToS but I hope it is taken as a genuine non party political issue. 

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