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Boris Says We Can Go Boating!! - (Not sure he did we must wait clarification (edited by Maxwellian)


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41 minutes ago, grendel said:


Its official boating is allowed, (with certain restrictions of course)

(beaten to it by Tom)


Only for some unfortunately, I live 200 miles from my boat, I could visit, work all day on it, then drive home, tired and a danger to myself and other road users, but apparently this is safer than me stopping overnight on my boat on my own !   

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Just now, Lastdraft said:

but apparently this is safer than me stopping overnight on my boat on my own !

A perfectly reasonable conclusion but I suspect that the official fear is that some folk will effectively move home, that a long weekend will be extended to a long summer and maybe beyond.

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The next month is going to be crucial, in seeing if the R number goes up or down.I still worry that some will disregard advice. Its clear that very tough measures taken by all of us have worked.Now more then ever important trying to keep the lid on this.Pictures on TV yesterday and today,lots of people back on Public transport. 

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57 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

That's it, in a nutshell. Please don't bring the virus to the Broads.

It's actually a silent killer and it may already be there. I would be as worried about coming to the Broads and picking up the virus; it's a two-way thing all the time.


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This is great news for those able to travel to their boats and spend the day cleaning or even a short trip out. It will be nice to see boats passing again with smiling faces on people.  

Please remember that there will be some boats that appear to be overstaying on some 24hr moorings and probably will until this is all over. Most yards have been closed and norwich yacht station is only open for water. This may change now.

Play safe everyone and one day we can all party again

 :default_party0010::default_icon_music: :default_party0010:


Colin :default_drinks:


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1 hour ago, Lastdraft said:

Only for some unfortunately, I live 200 miles from my boat, I could visit, work all day on it, then drive home, tired and a danger to myself and other road users, but apparently this is safer than me stopping overnight on my boat on my own !   

But then the logical discussion becomes, if you own a second home in Cornwall, you can visit for the day, but cannot stay overnight, but those on boats can so why am I expected to drive 3hrs back home from my second home etc. The same goes for caravan owners etc.

The government is doing it's best to legislate for the masses, it cannot take into account every single circumstance. For the vast majority at least it is a welcome relief to be able to visit our boats.


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This morning during the BBC's Q&A thing a minister said you can't drive 100miles+.. Seems that's there's many mixed messages as the documents state you can. I suspect they still don't want people driving far and to stay local. They also said you shouldn't travel to second homes.. Seems a tad strange to me why private boats access have been permitted but I suspect the RYA had something to do with it and the case that boats do need maintenance.

If anyone does visit the marina where Orca is (I'm not saying where but some members know.. I never know who you are too please say hi!) can you please drop me a quick PM if you pass her.. it would be nice to know if she's still floating at least! (I've not had a phone call though so sure all is well and I don't want to pester that certain someone as no doubt they will be hectic now anyway). 

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Remember that moorings owned by pubs are still out of bounds as they are part of the licenced premises, I know some pubs have permanently moored boats which are ok but to use the moorings and garden is a no-no for most of us.

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Smoggy, I would imagine the mooring can be used for the purpose of collecting takeaways and off sales. This would be the same as using their carpark. Please don't put people off trying to give our struggling pubs some business. I will add that a phone call first would be advisable.

Colin :default_drinks:

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40 minutes ago, EastCoastIPA said:

But then the logical discussion becomes, if you own a second home in Cornwall, you can visit for the day, but cannot stay overnight, but those on boats can so why am I expected to drive 3hrs back home from my second home etc. The same goes for caravan owners etc.

The government is doing it's best to legislate for the masses, it cannot take into account every single circumstance. For the vast majority at least it is a welcome relief to be able to visit our boats.


I am not suggesting the government makes a rule for me, I am merely suggesting that at some point "  common sense ' has to come into play. 

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We are lucky we can get to the marina and back in a day.  We moved to a different marina the week before lockdown as I had a gut feeling we would be stuck the following week.  We got to the old marina early, cruised to the new marina, flung her in the berth and left. It was all a rush that day so it will be a relief do some proper maintenance and bring back the bedding as there will be no point in leaving it on board. 

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I hope so. I think it's small steps at the moment and see how things go. I feel for Lastdraft and there are others even further away, or even another country, but hopefully more changes will come. I long to stay overnight or longer, but for now something is better than nothing even if it will involve a four hour round trip.

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8 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I would imagine that staying on private boats isn't far away. the same will go for private caravans and second homes.

We are waiting to relocate to Norfolk and they have now given the go ahead for estate agents to restart again, although quite how that will work with strangers wandering through your house! As we are over 300 miles from our prefered destination it is going to make viewing a bit of a challenge in one day..

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5 minutes ago, Jemaki said:

We are waiting to relocate to Norfolk and they have now given the go ahead for estate agents to restart again, although quite how that will work with strangers wandering through your house! As we are over 300 miles from our prefered destination it is going to make viewing a bit of a challenge in one day..

Most do a virtual video tour nowadays as a start point.

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6 minutes ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

Most do a virtual video tour nowadays as a start point.

Bit like online dating...but then you see them in the flesh.. :facepalm:

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17 minutes ago, vanessan said:

Sounds like the voice of experience..........

:default_biggrin: Nope..been together for 37yrs although it very nearly didn't happen, when we first met she invited me to her flat and whilst she was having a shower I thought I would have a nosy in her bedroom, I peeked in her draw and found a Policewomans uniform, a Nurses outfit, a French Maids outfit, a traffic Wardens Uniform and I thought to myself - if she can't hold down a regular job is she really the one for me..

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6 minutes ago, Poppy said:

Not too much happening in Potter. One GP in evidence - and he's on the bluddy demasting mooring

Looking at how the camera is blowing about it would be a good day for sailing..

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Nowadays I'm approximately 157-ish miles from 'B.A' (Used to be further until the NDR was opened). 

Here's the 'Plan' set off from home at 0400 arrive onboard at 0630 (Little traffic) get stuck in to the issues that are on our list.

Spend 15 x Hrs onboard without taking her out of the shed, no social contact with any 'Strangers' 

Depart for home at 2130, arrive home at 2359.

Give it a few days and repeat.

Have I broken any government instructions?  None that I can see until I 'Accidentally' fall asleep onboard whilst in the wetshed and don't make it home one evening


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