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Tv Licenses For The Over 75s


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13 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

 without being sexist what do most women prefer babies and royalty or boats,

Fred, you are the bravest man on the forum bar none. I think if you wear a disguise and assume a new identity abroad you may, just, get away with that :default_beerchug: :default_biggrin::default_biggrin::default_biggrin:

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13 minutes ago, Ray said:

Fred, you are the bravest man on the forum bar none. I think if you wear a disguise and assume a new identity abroad you may, just, get away with that :default_beerchug: :default_biggrin::default_biggrin::default_biggrin:

Ray  I dont aim to please or offend anyone, I try to make a considered reflection on the facts as I interpret them, I try not to be biased by my own interests but I also have very little time for the PC world we now live in, life is life and grown up people accept that not everyone shares the same viewpoint.


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58 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

what do most women prefer babies and royalty or boats,

Can’t speak for ‘most women’ but for me it’s boats!

On the rare occasion I watch anything on BBC, I really enjoy it because there are no b****y adverts. Having said that, BBC is spending more and more time these days advertising itself both on tv and radio. :default_pcwhack:

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4 minutes ago, vanessan said:

BBC is spending more and more time these days advertising itself both on tv and radio

I agree really annoying, not only do you have to watch rubbish, repeats, political crap, and of course there adverts,but pay a bloody licence, sodding insult


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35 minutes ago, vanessan said:

Can’t speak for ‘most women’ but for me it’s boats!

On the rare occasion I watch anything on BBC, I really enjoy it because there are no b****y adverts. Having said that, BBC is spending more and more time these days advertising itself both on tv and radio. :default_pcwhack:

We've had Sky for a good number of years now.  Apart from the vast choice of channels, the ability to record (which we do for almost everything we watch) means that we almost never have to lokk at b****y adverts, being able to fast foward through them :default_biggrin:

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i use freesat, i mainly watch one channel  talking pictures, now while i watch that 'live', since it is all old films its not really live, yet i still pay for a tv license, that and youtube are pretty much all i watch (too busy doing things otherwise). so does what the bbc do concern me much  not really.

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1 hour ago, Poppy said:

We've had Sky for a good number of years now.  Apart from the vast choice of channels, the ability to record (which we do for almost everything we watch) means that we almost never have to lokk at b****y adverts, being able to fast foward through them :default_biggrin:

Ditto, that’s why we seldom watch BBC. Live football and news/weather bulletins are the exceptions. We have freesat and freeview and there’s enough stuff on those to record and watch at leisure. The trouble with BBC and their self-advertisements on radio, is that they continually interrupt an interesting article or speaker to play a jingle or promote an upcoming programme. Utterly offensive sometimes. 

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I’ve stopped my TV licence for this year no live stream for us no sky tv either.. Netflix and Amazon only ...

The BBC is a joke... They haven’t made a decent program in years... I think if everyone went down this road and stopped paying and watching  live stream for a year then the TV licence be abolished... I mean what do the BBC actually benefit anyone apart from celebs and fat cat BBC board bosses... They can’t even run a proper news service anymore.. saying that any tv media news make a big scare story every time there on... This world would be a much better place with out news media... 

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19 minutes ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

I’ve stopped my TV licence for this year no live stream for us no sky tv either.. Netflix and Amazon only ...

The BBC is a joke... They haven’t made a decent program in years... I think if everyone went down this road and stopped paying and watching  live stream for a year then the TV licence be abolished... I mean what do the BBC actually benefit anyone apart from celebs and fat cat BBC board bosses... They can’t even run a proper news service anymore.. saying that any tv media news make a big scare story every time there on... This world would be a much better place with out news media... 

Cannot agree with that.  Some of the finest natural history programmes are made by the BBC and there are a few other programmes that are worth watching too.  To me, Sky and some of the other satellite channels offer to many of the same programmes at different times and repeat them several times a day.  Three pounds a week for a TV licence is hardly breaking the bank, especially considering how much the likes of Sky charge.  Regardless of whether you can record and fast forward the adverts or not, when I get time to watch the telly, no adverts for DFS and the rest is a bonus.

And besides, I enjoy Radio 2 as well.

As far as scare stories in the news is concerned, blame the gutter press for that.  The Sun, Mail, Express and the rest are just as guilty, if not more so.

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I think there’s a concerted effort in certain newspapers to discredit the BBC, particularly the Murdock owned media channels and papers. I know the BBC is not perfect, but it’s a lot better than most other channels.

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11 minutes ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

I’ve stopped my TV licence for this year no live stream for us no sky tv either.. Netflix and Amazon only ...

The BBC is a joke... They haven’t made a decent program in years... I think if everyone went down this road and stopped paying and watching  live stream for a year then the TV licence be abolished... I mean what do the BBC actually benefit anyone apart from celebs and fat cat BBC board bosses... They can’t even run a proper news service anymore.. saying that any tv media news make a big scare story every time there on... This world would be a much better place with out news media... 

:1315_thumbsdown_tone1: Sorry could not resist and definitely not personal. Whatever you think of BBC T.V. or radio is in my view not the argument. It has and will evolve, sometimes we like and other times not. I personally hate the dumbing down of it's serious radio stations and the way it's news service is ever so careful not to be biased, resulting, at least on T.V. for it to be somewhat bland and accused of just what it is trying to avoid by both the left and the right. What is important is that we have an independent national media channel in a world of extreme and frankly nasty social channels were, if you want, you can listen for hours to people who think just as you but your ideas are never challenged, you will never get the other point of view and this leads to extremism as can be seen growing in todays society. So in my eyes the BBC should not be worried about being mainstream but be there to inform, to educate and to break new grounds in entertainment. To be avant garde and that in my view that should always be the objective of a national broadcaster. How we fund that I'm not sure. I tend to agree the license fee is outdated. Perhaps a government grant backed by advertising is the answer as long as we ensure it is free from commercial and political pressure.


p.s.  Worth keeping just for "The Archers."


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15 hours ago, trambo said:


p.s.  Worth keeping just for "The Archers."


Even the Archers has gone "pants" recently. Endless right-on "political" storylines,  token ethnic minorities and lately, under the smokescreen of Cov-19 it seems to have lapsed into a series of boring monologues. This is what happens when you have a captive audience. I've given up on it - better things to do with my time. Still paying though, which I resent. 

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14 minutes ago, SteveO said:

Even the Archers has gone "pant under the smokescreen of Cov-19 it seems to have lapsed into a series of boring monologues. This is what happens when you have a captive audience. I've given up on it - better things to do with my time. Still paying though, which I resent. 

Listened to the archers ever since Caroline Bone had her affair with Brian Aldridge. Have to agree, the Cov-19 monologues are a dirge, sure they could have done better. Perhaps they should have got Alan Bennett on the case!


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2 hours ago, SteveO said:

Even the Archers has gone "pants" recently. Endless right-on "political" storylines,  token ethnic minorities and lately, under the smokescreen of Cov-19 it seems to have lapsed into a series of boring monologues. This is what happens when you have a captive audience. I've given up on it - better things to do with my time. Still paying though, which I resent. 

There is no charge for radio .  You don't need a TV licence to listen to or download radio programmes from BBC Sounds or BBC iPlayer Radio.


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27 minutes ago, Poppy said:

There is no charge for radio .  You don't need a TV licence to listen to or download radio programmes from BBC Sounds or BBC iPlayer Radio.

BBC radio channels' running costs come out of the TV licence, so if enough people decided to not pay the TV licence then there would have to be a charge for a radio licence. This would adversely affect older people as they are the ones who are less likely to have access to internet radio.

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  • 2 months later...

The huge profit  they make from BBC international is a large contributor to the total they spend . BBC America and all that ( yes it has adverts). 

1.35Million for presenting footy. Give me a break. 1.35Million to present breakfast on radio 2 Give me a break. 

The issue of the cost of the BBC is irrelevant as other countries just tax you to have a radio or tv. And it’s generally more than the fee. The issue is making it a criminal offence which is the real national scandal. 

Anyone who believes the BBC is not biased should rewatch the last election special on the BBC, it’s actually hilarious. 

The BBC makes and has made historically arbitrary decisions about what constitutes bias or a suitable counter argument. That is NOT their role, that is to report the news. 

We pay and have BT soon to be Sky, some stuff is good some less so but blanket acceptance of it’s all bad or it’s all good as in this thread is behaving in exactly the way the BBC does. 

Nowt like folk eh 




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36 minutes ago, Malanka said:

The issue of the cost of the BBC is irrelevant as other countries just tax you to have a radio or tv.

...and some countries (e.g. Germany) apply broadcasting charges on every property - whether you have a radio / TV, PC or not!  Currently costing 52.50 Euros per quarter.


I actually watch very little German TV - there are some good travel programs on NDR (even if repeats from bygone years - some are ex-BBC).  Wife & daughter watch a lot of Netflix.

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personally i paid out for a freesat box and make do with the umpteen channels that gives - freeview in my area as we are on a repeated is a fraction of the standard freeview channels and half a dozen radio stations, i think we have about 10 or 12 channels. sky - no way, at the prices they charge

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Never had any type of dish on outside of our hovel - Never will either.  We do have freeview along with everyone else I suspect.  That's enough for us, especially when you add in Netflix, Amazon Prime and a host of other on line channels.  I can't keep up with what we do have let alone paying out for yet more


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This is what sinks the BBC in my mind

” On today we have the internationally respected ex world trade organisation chairman and a reporter from the Sun”

and they both have equal screen time. 
False equivalence 

happens in politics, you name it 

These opinions are not equal 

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15 hours ago, grendel said:

personally i paid out for a freesat box and make do with the umpteen channels that gives - freeview in my area as we are on a repeated is a fraction of the standard freeview channels and half a dozen radio stations, i think we have about 10 or 12 channels. sky - no way, at the prices they charge

I’m with grendel on this one. A one-off purchase of satellite dish or box (not expensive either) and there’s plenty of programmes available with freesat and freeview. If you want a lot of sport, then I guess you have to pay for it with Sky or BT. 

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