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More Covid Restrictions Announced.


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He should be sacked 

I've said this before but there are so many heartbreaking situations from families losing loved ones to people choosing whether to eat or have heating 

It's disgusting and a kick in the teeth for all the decent human beings who are trying to do the right thing under dire circumstances x

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BBC news: Boris went for a bike ride. Knowing the World's media would be watching and he was within the guidelines/rules. So over to our correspondant who is where? At home? In the studio? No, he's gone to Westminster to pose outside parliament for the benefit of us who may not be able to relate what he is saying to government. Within the law yes, but sensible? A good example? No.

Then an article saying there were more deaths last year than in any year in WW2. Statistics then. Over to our head of statistics who starts his waffle and just happens to slip in, "it's hard to compare modern statistics to those of WW2". So a totally misleading and unnecessary article altogether then.

Then an article speculating, no statistics, just a made up article, that after the pandemic people will leave the NHS. The point of the article being?

As I have said before, God help us if there is ever another war.

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4 hours ago, psychicsurveyor said:

I don't see any country that was over prepared. At least we had a bit of everything with a plan to get more. 

The drawback with this plan was that we hadnt anticipated every country worldwide suddenly being in the same situation at the same time, so the production facilities that we had backed upon to support us were suddenly overwhelmed by a worldwide excessive demand, in some ways its a miracle that they have stepped up production so that we are now in a position to cope.

36 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Perhaps a day In ICUs.Watching Doctors

Helping doctors rather, nothing worse than trying to cope with a bunch of spectators, untutored assistants would be bad enough.


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2 hours ago, floydraser said:

So over to our correspondant who is where? At home? In the studio? No, he's gone to Westminster to pose outside parliament for the benefit of us who may not be able to relate what he is saying to government. Within the law yes, but sensible? A good example? No.

This is what's p*ssed me right off from the start. I dislike most journos anyway, but that's always been a bit like rubbing peoples' faces in it a bit and it really gets my goat good and proper. There's no need for it whatsoever. You don't need to be stood at the end of Downing Street to talk about what's going on inside. I'm expected to coach and mentor using Zoom, or worse, the phone. So quite why these halfwits need to be stood outside a hospital and such is beyond me.

As for the footballer (and Piers effing Morgan for that matter) I say lock them in the stocks and pelt them with rotten spuds. Frozen ones.

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2 hours ago, MaceSwinger said:

This is what's p*ssed me right off from the start. I dislike most journos anyway,

In which case you are no different from anyone in H.M. Forces that I have ever met.

When you get these silly reports saying "Julie Autocutie ; BBC East ; RAF Mildenhall", she is not in RAF Mildenhall, she is standing on the side of the road outside the main gate, in the rain, as the duty officer in the guardroom has refused to allow her or her camera crew onto the base!

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2 hours ago, grendel said:

The drawback with this plan was that we hadnt anticipated every country worldwide suddenly being in the same situation at the same time, so the production facilities that we had backed upon to support us were suddenly overwhelmed by a worldwide excessive demand, in some ways its a miracle that they have stepped up production so that we are now in a position to cope.

Helping doctors rather, nothing worse than trying to cope with a bunch of spectators, untutored assistants would be bad enough.


I agree,but I think those that disregard the law and guidance need some sort of Education. 

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After a snow storm in London caught everyone out, the mayor of London was asked where are the snowploughs?

He replied, Yes we can have all the snowploughs you want. 
But you are going to have pay for the drivers and maintenance along with a place to keep them for what? A once in a 50 year event. 
Back up plans cost. Remember austerity folks

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@Vaughan In which case you are no different from anyone in H.M. Forces that I have ever met.

When you get these silly reports saying "Julie Autocutie ; BBC East ; RAF Mildenhall", she is not in RAF Mildenhall, she is standing on the side of the road outside the main gate, in the rain, as the duty officer in the guardroom has refused to allow her or her camera crew onto the base!


In basic training the old man told us about the "hypocrisy of the Sun reader", alluding to the fact that many of the public hold us to a standard they themselves wouldn't dream of sticking too, and the "Sun" element became all too relevant during Op TELIC where they were so quick to publish staged photographs of prisoner abuse, calling all soldiers out as barbarians and murderers. Funny how those particular, ahem, people are now usually the ones praising the armed forces at every turn, but that's populist press for you.

As for them standing out front of the camp. Well, they became a nightmare when the princes were training at Bovington. I happened to be stationed there at that point (Harry actually held the shop door open for my ex-wife, with a slab of lager on his shoulder no less) and it was a circus some days. The "legitimate" press at their very worst.

And today I see the headline on the (not-so) Independent of Brexit red tape causing empty shelves. Click the article and the first paragraph expands that to Brexit and COVID-caused staff shortages. Read further of what the retailers say and it's purely down to COVID.

I've never found a news outlet to be truly impartial, and the worst for it are usually the ones that pretend to be (and in one notable case SHOULD be) like the Guardian, The Independent, and worst of all The BBC.

Sorry, that may have turned into quite a rant. But yes, journalists baaaad.

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You're not on your own with reference to the BBC, There are no end of folk I know, me included I don't mind admitting, that refer to the BBC as the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.  They were particular bad leading up to the Brexit referendum and thereafter until they finally realised it was actually going to happen. 


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As a one time freelance photographer that sometimes supplied pictures to the press I can say with some sincerity that journalists are not always to blame. Although not enforceable  D notices in my time were generally accepted by editors thus I had three 'sensitive' pictures blocked. Governments don't always respond well to the truth. Problem today is that editors panda both to their advertisers and to the perceived IQ level of their readership. Me, I don't buy newspapers for that very reason, unless you count Private Eye as a newspaper. That Morgan man, the pits.

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I remember witnessed  a accident, a van knocked a scooter over at a cross roads , scooter didn't stop at stop sign, when i read the local paper next day the paper  said furniture lorry knocks cyclist over at named cross road cyclist taken to hospitable, i have never believed the press since. John

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59 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

BBC News this morning had a report regarding the mental impact of Covid 19 on NHS staff. I hope that come the next New Years Honours list that this will be recognised. The bravery and dedication of frontline staff has to be recognised. 

Too right it has to be recognised

I heard on the local news the other day of parents whose daughter is a nurse working all the hours she can to do her bit. She came home the other night broken and exhausted. She had to climb on someone's chest in an ambulance outside the hospital to give CPR but sadly he died. She sobbed in her Mum's arms

I can only imagine the trauma they face every day, they don't just leave it at the door when they go home either. Bless all the emergency services and workers, they really are super heroes

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On 12/01/2021 at 17:34, MaceSwinger said:

I dislike most journos anyway, but that's always been a bit like rubbing peoples' faces in it a bit and it really gets my goat good and proper.

One has to realise that the media is "in the game" to just stir things.


20 hours ago, annv said:

I remember witnessed  a accident, a van knocked a scooter over at a cross roads , scooter didn't stop at stop sign, when i read the local paper next day the paper  said furniture lorry knocks cyclist over at named cross road cyclist taken to hospitable, i have never believed the press since.

We had a similar situation over here (but in the air) in the Summer of 2019.

There was a near miss between a glider & a Lufthansa A321 - the press plastered that as "Glider obstructs Airliner".

I have read the official report & it was VERY close.  The official report absolved the glider pilot of all blame (she was allowed to be where she was) - basically the controller should not have routed the airliner where it was (low down & at considerable distance from Hamburg RWY 23).

Thus the correct press heading should have been "Airliner obstructs Glider".

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1 minute ago, HEM said:

One has to realise that the media is "in the game" to just stir things.

That's just the problem for me, they shouldn't be. The media should be there to provide calm and neutral coverage of important events and facts.

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