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Rip For A Wonderful Lady


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Some of you might remember a gin soaked thread some 5 weeks ago when I wallowed in self pity. It was a wobble on my part but after that wobble I steadied and pulled myself together thanks to the support from this forum. It is with the deepest regret imaginable however that I have to announce that at 03:00 hours this morning (15th Sept 2017) my sister Frances finally lost her battle with cancer. Yes I've hit the gin again, but this time with my two lovely neices, Frances's daughters.

I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't know where I'm going to live, I don't know how I'm going to go forwards from here, But I ask you all to raise a glass to my Frances.

Sorry to be mawkish but just right now I don't give a damn.

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My deep and sincere condolences. My thoughts will be with you at this very sad time. As you know I lost my wife and best friend of 50 years on 23rd November last to Cancer, we met on bonfire night 1966, I was 17 she was still just 15. It was only this morning, actually looking at the sell by date on a steak that I realised it was my 68th birthday a week on Saturday. It then occured to me that my birthday 23rd September will never be without saying "Exactly 10 months since I lost Judith" next year will be "1 year 10 months etc." 

I wish you strength to face the sadness and loss that the immediate future holds, it is not easy but you learn to manage it.

I shall think of you as all your friends raise their glasses and ask everyone to excuse me as you all know that, I have found, on a personal level, that grief and chronic loneliness is not a good basis for me to drink "Home Alone".

Kindest regards,


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I am so sorry to hear this John,

My little sister passed 16 years ago,  it was a very difficult time,  it still hurts a lot now.

You will get through these awful days,  weeks and months,  the years will still hold tears,  but less often.

If you need 3 drinks today,  promise yourself and your sister only  2 tomorrow,  1 the day after and stick to it or that bloody cancer has claimed another.

I will raise a small one tonight to you and your sister and to all brothers and sisters who can only share memories now.

Take care.

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I am so sorry to hear this John, and I hope you see that while you might feel so many emissions, great worry and of course deep sadness but you're doing good and you will continue to do so. It is easy to imagine things right now as overwhelming, for me when my Dad passed, it was like a huge mess or twisted metal and darkness that I had to somehow get past.

Take things as they come in pieces, try not to dwell on the larger things and you will get there - and we are all here to listen and help too. Take care.

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Our thoughts are with you, as a sufferer myself, you often forget about the people, friends and family around you, that are suffering in a total different way.

For your sister the journey is over, she no longer feels pain or torment. For the family left behind, there is still a long painful journey ahead. Many forum members are still on this journey, but as the long journey continues the travel, does get easier. With fellow forum members supporting you it will be easier, or less traumatic. 

I will raise a glass to you and all the family later.

Richard and Roz


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I'm so, so sorry to hear this, John. I can but hope that perhaps all the words, hopes and wishes you have and will receive here will help you through.

I feel quite desolate and will gladly join you in raising my tumbler of gin to Frances on the hour of noon today.

I did.

Edited by Hockham Admiral
I did
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