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Sad News


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I read the following with great sadness. I have "pinched" this from Richards site and am posting it as I read it.

No doubt over time, many boaters and non-boaters alike will have met and / or corresponded with Craig, as well as referencing his excellent database. The latter being a marvellous resource, having been built up over many years.

Approximately two weeks ago he suffered a heart attack, and very sadly it was learnt that he passed away yesterday afternoon. Being a founding member and knowledgeable contributor of this Forum as well as a respected ecologist, it goes without saying he will be greatly missed.

Our thoughts are with his wife and family to whom we send sincerest condolences. R.I.P. Craig.

I lost count years ago of the times I have consulted Craig's database as I am sure most of the rest of us have. I sincerely echo the words of the post I quote from. A great loss.

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Such sudden and sad news. Craig has always been a good friend to the wooden boat movement both with his involvement in the old VWBA and latterly his help and support towards the Beccles Wooden Boat Show at which he was a regular visitor.  

His passing will be a huge loss to the Norfolk broads as will, ultimately,  the loss of his database.

Safe journey Craig.

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So sad to hear about Craig's death. My condolences to his family and friends.

I never met him but corresponded with him via the forum. He was always polite and helpful.

I hope his family can in time find some comfort from the help and pleasure he gave so many people, many who he didn't know, through his unique database.

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It was a massive shock to read the news this morning. Such a sad loss.

We spent time with Craig and his wife on several occasions and were honoured to spend a few Three Rivers Races aboard their boat at Horning. A genuinely lovely couple. It became the norm to bump in to him at the Beccles Wooden Boat Show too in more recent years. We could natter for hours about boats and the Broads! 

As some will know, Craig has also been hosting Broadland Memories for me via his own hosting account at a nominal charge to cover his costs. He gave invaluable help with the technical side of things over the years too. A really nice chap. 

Sincere condolences to his family. He will be sadly missed.



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This is truly terribly sad news. The Broads has lost a great ambassador and historian. His encyclopedic knowledge of the Boats of the Broads, not just modern but gleaned from the old catalogues and contacts was amazing and gave me hours of pleasure whilst looking for old photos of Water Rail and her sister ships. Seeing a photo from the 1960s of a Delight being lowered into Dublin Harbour enroute for the canals was one of those amazing moments.

But it wasn't just boats and being one who also has interest in Entomology, he was also an expert on Spiders (yes Spiders) http://www.staffs-ecology.org.uk/html2015/index.php.... I presented him once with one of Water Rail's finest in the hope it was something rare - only for it to bite him. He wasn't impressed!  This was at one of the Beccles Wooden Boat shows

I shall miss seeing him standing by the river in Horning on the day after Three Rivers watching and taking photos of the boats as they came home including the guard ships, but always - a good morning wave! Chatting to him as he rowed past at Horning looking for another boat to photo!!



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What incredibly sad news. I dread to think of the amount of hours I've spent looking at his database and always being pleasantly surprised by another new bit of information or a new photo of an old boat.

A massive loss to the broads and community's like this. One man with a little website that really did make a lot of people happy and I hope he goes down in broadband history.

You'll be missed Craig.

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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I would like to add my condolences to those already here.

Unfortunately I never got the chance to meet Craig but I will always be grateful for the effort he put into his database which was the only real source of information about my boat. Through his website I discovered the information which convinced me it was worth saving.

I sincerely hope the database continues as it helps define the Broads as part of our cultural heritage.

I may not be correct here but I think that away from his website, the database is known as "Craig's list"? I wonder if this could be incorporated more prominetly within the website as a tribute?

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Very sad news, and I've met Craig a few times over the years.

Does anyone know who is best to talk to about getting the website safe for the future? I have the technical skills but don't know who I need to be talking to (or whether anyone else is covering the same problem).

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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Indeed, A great loss, hopefully someone will take on the database and carry on his legacy, condolences go to all who knew him, I never met but sent numerous emails and photos to him almost bombarding him at times but he always replied with thanks. 

Well Done Craig 

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I can only agree with the other posts on here in as much as his demise is a sad loss.  I’ve never met Craig, but did communicate with him when we bought Norfolk Lady, to update the listing on the database.  I would also like to think that it can be maintained in the future in his memory and add my condolences to those already expressed.

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