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27 minutes ago, NeilB said:

We have the same version, every time we use it and see the colour of the water we start thinking about laminate flooring all over the house!

You are right, it leaves the top tank like gin and comes back into the bottom like Mackison.

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Wanna know a secret?

The mighty Tiger - Between me and my boy is now taxed and insured as from 0001 in t morning :default_icon_clap:

I'm working first thing in t morning till about 1200, by then the Mighty Tiger will be miles away and have been roaring it's growl for about 3 x Hrs but not with me on it :default_sad:  I may get a go sometime in t afternoon :default_biggrin:




TF 025.jpg

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Today is my birthday. Can't say that I'm thrilled to be having yet another one! Still I suppose the alternative is no great shakes either.  Received a card from my granddaughters on  which beneath the heading of Greatest Nan Ever was a photo of me bathing them  21 years ago! they said that as we couldn't all be together today the next best thing was a  photo of when we were.  It really made my day.Tony bless him says that as he can't take me out to dinner as normal, he is going to cook Sunday lunch. Roast leg of lamb with all the trimmings - he is an excellent cook so I'm looking forward to that. Whatever you are all doing today have a good time.




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Happy birthday ... that sounds like a wonderful birthday dinner to look forward to. And how thoughtful with the card from your granddaughters too. Little things like that can mean so much.

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Thanks for all the birthday greetings they are much appreciated. I had a lovely day.Spent the day mostly in the garden with my Kindle  It was very relaxing helped along by the lovely bottle of very cold champagne produced by my wonderfully thoughtful husband ( he knows me so well)  As it was so warm we chose to have dinner this evening instead of lunchtime. |It was every bit as good as I knew it would be. meat perfectly cooked, so tender you could cut it with a spoon and gravy that really spoke up for itself if you know what I l mean!  Hope you all enjoyed your  day too.



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So this morning I will be setting off to work in Trevor,  Job is only a couple of miles away and will take me 5 mins or so to get there.  Nothing unusual about the start to my day then. It's going to be an easy job too.   Previous clients, floor tiling a small W/C, house is owned by a couple of very attractive friendly girlies - Friendly with each other if you get my drift 

My boy dale is round at our hovel by 0645

Dale -  l'm off t office for the day Dad

Me - Yeah, and? What you doing here then at this time? your office is about 20 mins away, you're kind of early aren't you?

Dale - I'm going on the Mighty Tiger via the scenic route

Me - Ok, enjoy.

Not Jealous one iota - I keep telling mysen that more and more nowadays



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2 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

So this morning I will be setting off to work in Trevor,  Job is only a couple of miles away and will take me 5 mins or so to get there.  Nothing unusual about the start to my day then. It's going to be an easy job too.   Previous clients, floor tiling a small W/C, house is owned by a couple of very attractive friendly girlies - Friendly with each other if you get my drift 

My boy dale is round at our hovel by 0645

Dale -  l'm off t office for the day Dad

Me - Yeah, and? What you doing here then at this time? your office is about 20 mins away, you're kind of early aren't you?

Dale - I'm going on the Mighty Tiger via the scenic route

Me - Ok, enjoy.

Not Jealous one iota - I keep telling mysen that more and more nowadays



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Buy sidecar for Tiger and give Trevor a day off?

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My old man had a Vincent. The only way he could get it going was to push like billyo then jump on. We lived approximately 5 miles from his work. I remember him pushing it every morning. He pushed it 4 1/2 miles before he could get the bugger started. He must have done it on the way home as well. But he was happy

Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network

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My day (yesterday) was an enjoyable water soaked day of cleaning Lady Emma's outside bits:default_biggrin:

After over two months of not being able to attend her needs and seemingly used as target practice for the seagulls, she certainly needed a good scrub!

Six hours or so later, she was looking a lot better.

Me on the other hand, well, I've gone a deep shade of lobster :default_icon_redface:

49966036096_cfca4993d9_b.jpgUntitled by Jeff Cranwell, on Flickr

49966036261_45676721d4_b.jpgUntitled by Jeff Cranwell, on Flickr

49965532468_84331ebeca_b.jpgUntitled by Jeff Cranwell, on Flickr

49965532973_7a83ea47a5_b.jpgUntitled by Jeff Cranwell, on Flickr

49966036276_f771f8dfb1_b.jpgUntitled by Jeff Cranwell, on Flickr

49965532023_cedff2d196_b.jpgUntitled by Jeff Cranwell, on Flickr

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Morning All,

Friday I went to the boat, and checked everything out. Topped up the batteries, 24 of the 25 that is, they seemed OK. However there is definately a problem as the drive system is not working and the solar panel not charging. I suspect there is a failed junction at one of the batteries or I have a battery failure. 

This is typical as I'm now back at work and do not have  time to work on the boat. So I bimbled down to Boulters, and booked her in. She's due the BSS, a lift out and antifoul anyway. Of course all those who have been delaying their relaunch till relaxation of the lockdown had started, had beaten me to it.. So Boulters can't fit the boat in till mid July.

I did give her a wash and brush up on the exterior, not that much needed doing, the lack of rain has reduced to normal amount of "greenness" that appears when you leaver her overwinter. just the solar panel needed a wash and the decks a wash off of dust. 

 Next time she will be due BSS I will have been retired for 2 years So I can get her in a much more presentable state than she is now..

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